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Dear friends,


After a mostly miserable weekend alone, lying in the bed and thinking and suffering, I've decided I should move from the "Getting Back Together" forum to the "Healing after a Break-Up" forum. It's time I started focusing on my healing. I've dreaded this decision because I've associated it with past efforts to heal, which have each taken about 2-3 years. However, there is no getting around it, just through it. Also, I am going to keep working with the doctor(s) to get the right level of anti-depressants and sleep medication to help me through this very difficult time. There is no point in suffering all the symptoms of chronic depression along with my natural grieving. If my ex comes back (and yes, there is still hope --- he gave me quite a bit of hope on Friday, in fact), he will come back to a woman who is on her way to healing. I don't want to keep looking over my shoulder.


Thank you to all of you who helped me get this far, and I wish you all happiness. My first step to healing was to buy myself a little book last night called Instant Karma. It's just a list of ways to give yourself and others good fortune. I've already started doing some of the things on the list. Also, I am going to get a newsletter from a nearby big(ger) city, and start going there on a regular basis and trying out some of the events there (concerts, meditation groups, whatever). Finally, I am going to think seriously about moving either there or somewhere else, out of this little town where everything reminds me of the ex.


Here are some things from the Instant Karma list for any of you to try:


Tape a positive message to the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, and the computer monitor. For instance, "What you do today is what matters most."


Create thoughts that will weaken or destroy a bad thought.


Play soft music.


See you on the other forum, if you cross over.

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Good 4 U, CurlyGirl...I'm glad that you're moving 4ward and doing these things 2 better yourself. It's nice 2 see someone trying 2 better themselves. Others will take notice of this as well. Best of luck 2 U young lady.



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A definite good luck to you. I tend to suffer for a while with little hope when my relationship(s) used to go bad/end. I thought I was abnormal in some ways to suffer/get depressed for so long with no hope. Maybe it is just some people are like that.

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I feel like a pony learning to walk; my legs are shaky. But I'm standing and I'm determined to go forward. I admitted to my boss today that I've been suffering from a major depression (he asked me if I had had the flu when I was out last week), and I'm glad I did because he said he has been there and asked if there was anything he could do. It's not so bad to get it out in the open.


Anybody who wants to can see more of the Instant Karma list on my new thread at "Healing After a Break-up," as soon as I get it posted.

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