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Question for the guys....

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...If a guy doesn't take your number when you offer it... does that mean their not interested?


I was in a small group of people, I was introduced (or he introduced himself to me) we had a couple jokes go back and forth....and then he asked about (jokingly) if I was going to sponsor him for his charity organization. I agreed =) Later on, he (half jokingly) asked how he would get a hold of me...and I said "well, you can have my number if you want" and then the conversation got side tracked and he never got it.


Was it stupid of me to offer it? I didn't mean it in any other way than to give him a contact information for the sponsorship (I'm NOT forward like that), but did he take it that way?


I heard if a guy's interested, there's nothing that'll stop him from trying to get your number, is that true?

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Well, yeah. If you offered him your number and he didn't take it, either he is a total airhead to get sidetracked like that, or he is not interested. Heck, most guys who are not interested will even take it and then just never call you.

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Sorry, what was the problem? You weren't offering him your number in that way? You know, the whole men-women thing is pretty difficult to understand, and if he didn't think you were interested then he wouldn't have been bothered about your number.

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No it wasn't stupid. He was the one who introduced himself and asked how to contact you, so you were just offering to fill in the blanks. I'm guessing he was mesmerized by your beauty and forgot to ask... or maybe he got shy...


Regardless don't sweat it. Perhaps he'll surprise you with his resourcefulness...


Disclaimer: I'm not a guy, but I date one on TV.

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