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She thought I wasn't interested......(but, I am)

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Oh, well, anyway ...


Yeah, I would have said phone call only, ball is in her court, wait for her to call you back. Never follow up with a heart felt email, that's clingy and desperate, and pretty much guarantees you'll scare any woman away.


Oh well, glad to hear you are moving on - that is the right thing to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well... it has been a few more weeks since the e-mail I sent but I still haven't forgotten about her..... I feel really annoyed because I haven't been in a situation before where all the sudden all communication is cut off from someone. I have never had someone not respond to a voicemail or an e-mail like this before... (i.e. that it seems like she is try to avoid initiating contact with me vs. just being busy or whatever... I mean, I have had friends not respond to an e-mail or phone call but it wasn't as big a deal because I knew it was just an oversight).....


I don't understand why she wouldn't call me back. I am thinking she is still interested but she is thinking that I am calling as a 'friend" and thereforeee initiated no contact to let her heal from things.......


Although I find it disrespectfull that she wouldn't return my call or e-mail, I still want to talk to her.... I thought I could just move on, but, I want one final chance to actually talk to/communicate with her...... I feel so lame...

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If that's what it's going to take for you to get closure on this then go ahead and write her one last email. Tell her whatever you need to tell her, just don't expect to get a response. It sounds to me like her mind is made up on the matter. I know it's hard, but try not to take it personally. There could be any number of reasons she's behaving this way, none of which have anything to do with you.

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Well... it has been a few more weeks since the e-mail I sent but I still haven't forgotten about her.....

Well you should forget about her, if this is how she treats people. Do you want to feel this way all the time?


I don't understand why she wouldn't call me back. I am thinking she is still interested

No, she's just *not* interested. Why would you think she was? She is showing NO signs of interest.


Although I find it disrespectfull that she wouldn't return my call or e-mail, I still want to talk to her.... I thought I could just move on, but, I want one final chance to actually talk to/communicate with her...... I feel so lame...

Glutton for punishment? Why would you want to talk to someone who is so rude to you? Hey, I can be rude to you if you want, and I'd expect you to get annoyed and tell me to bugger off. Why would you let her do this?


Oh, yeah, SEX. You think you can get sex.


Well, you're not going to get sex, so treat her like you'd treat me, m'kay? Blow it off, throw her number away, and move on.


So, how many other woman have looked at you during this time period? How many have you talked to? Have you gotten a phone number? Did you call it? How'd it work out? You go on a date?


Those are the questions you should be answering.

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