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i need some advice.. please read...

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I started talking to this girl about 6 months ago, and we became really good friends, and at one point started going out...

so we were together for a little more than two months.


during those two months she made a few mistakes, some bigger than others, which hurt me a lot, including (it wasn't really her fault..) at a party i couldn't go to, this guy got her drunk real bad, and made out with her... but she was honest and told me... it hurt, but i got over it.. i really love her... so i forgave her...


so like a week ago, she tells me, that she thinks it's best if we remain friends, giving me reasons like:

''it's best for both of us i think..''

''i don't want to hurt you''

''I'm sacrificing my love for you to save a friendship''

''i don't feel for you, the way you feel for me..'' (with that she means, she doesn't love me the way i love her... so basically she's saying she doesn't love me enough anymore...)


and a few other reasons similar to them...


so i talked to a few friends... and some of them said, that if we're friends, we will most likely get back together.... right now me and her are pretty close and still care for each other as good friends...


but one of my friends said to her : ''maybe you two will get back together at some point''


and she said: ''i don't think so...i think he also knows that we're better off like this''


but before we started going out, a friend asked her ''you think you'll go out with him?'' and she said : ''i doubt it''


she's a great person... i really like her..


so as you can see, i'm really confused. lol



it would be cool if you people can give me your opinions and thoughts, and some advice too maybe..




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yeah.. that's what everyone tells me..that's what i do.... any other thoughts, opinions or advice?



can i just add...


she's over here right now, taking care of my small bro (as a job) since my mom doesn't trust me... lol.


but before, she was in my room for a bit, talking to me, and it seemed as if she was really sad, and had a few tears in her eyes... well i don't know... it seemed like it though...


i'm confused.. lol


anyway.. thanks..


i'll check back later.

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ok... well can i just add to the things i saisd before....



she was over here from yesterday, til today, to take care of my little bro...


well first she made me play some games with them two, i didn't want to, but she kept on asking me to join in.. so i did... the games were boring, but we had a good time, we were laughing a lot and everything....

then at like 10 she brought my bro to bed...

so we were alone from like 10pm - 2am (that's when my mom came back)

during that time we were talking, and just having a fun time... laughing and everything... it was cool... this never used to happen while we were going out... but while i was going out with her, i wasn't being myself, i just noticed that a couple days ago though... that's when it was too late..

so at 2am my mom came back home... but she went to bed straight away, so me and my ex just carried on talking... having a cool time... (just as friends would have a good time... messing around and s*it.. you know?)

until my mom told us to go upstairs, since we were too loud.. so we went upstairs, and just carried on doing whatever we were doing downstairs... it was cool... so at like 3 both of us went to bed...(different rooms...)


so what i would like you people to also tell me, apart from the things i asked for in my first post...


is it better if i just give her time... and at some point maybe ask her if she thinks it's possible for us to give it another try?


but you see... i hate being rejected... so i don't know what to do... since she said she doesn't think me and her will get back together.... but then again... we have A LOT of fun when i am being myself, but while we were going out, i wasn't being myself... and if i ask her to give it another try, shall i maybe also say that i will be myself?


i really don't know what to do... but i really want her back... and i know there's hope... i just don't know how to do it.....


please help me out here guys...


i will keep adding things to here as we go along.... since new things happen everyday...


thanks a lot.


maybe if you feel like talking to me about this over msn... could be easier... my msn add is : email removed

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ok.. another update... maybe sometime someone will reply... dunno.. well it also helps me to write it out... i think about the things...




i don't know if i said in the post before... but she was over here yesterday again, to take care of my bro...


and practically we did the same thing... played some games, had a good time together...


although it seemed that she was in deep thought at some points during the night...

at one point, after she brought my bro to bed, me and her were in the room where i keep my guitars...

and i always carry my keys with me, it's just my keys, tied to a shoe lace.. and while we were sitting there, i had them in my hand, and she took one end, holding it tight, and i tried taking it from her, but she didn't let go... but also didn't say anything... at that moment, i was so tempted to kiss her.... but i didn't...

then i just sat next to her, both of us in deep thought, i wish i knew what she was thinking... i was thinking ''i wish i know what she's thinking... so i could kiss her, or maybe not?... shall i kiss her or not...''


and then at one point she went downstairs again to make sure my bro was sleeping, then she went into the room where she sleeps... and i went in there too... we just talked from then...

and at one point we went to bed...


before i went to sleep, i wrote a letter, and stuck it under her door for her to read in the morning, and to reply... i wrote that i'm writing the letter since i'll probably still be sleeping before she wakes up... and things which aren't importnat now...

then i also said ''don't forget to sign my guitar..'' because i want people to write on to my guitar... she was the first.


[just before i say the next thing.... just after we broke up, i sent her an email, telling her how i feel and things.... and i also told her, that while i was writing, the saying ''you never know what you've got, until it's gone'' came to mind, and i told her how true it is... then i told her how i could imagine myself as an old wise man with a beard telling all kids those kind of sayings. lol] ok.. so now....


she wrote onto my guitar ''wise man! you never know what you've got, until it's gone''


and something else about that letter.... it was just some useless crap i asked her, and things, and i'm 95% sure she kept the letter, and put it into the box where she keeps a lot of letters... love letters... and such...


another thing...


this moring, her step dad called, telling her to ask my mom if it was ok for my bro to come to some football match or something, since her little bro is also going, and all of her family... so my bro said ok... and my mom said ok...


then she came to ask me, and i didn't really know, so i just shrug my shoulders.... then she went to my mom, and told her ''he shrug his shoulders.... it means yes''

so now i'll be going there as well...


and i'm really confused.... because it kind of seems like she wants me back... but i'm not sure... i suck at these things.. i need your help and thoughts on all of this... what shall i do?!


i really want her back....




i'll update again when something happens.


thanks for reading.



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