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Question for everyone doing NC?

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Hey SliverCloud, how are you doing today?!


I am doing good, thank you for asking.


I am starting to accept the breakup... i guess more after finding out that he has someone new. I am not at a stage were i can have him as a friend nor am i ready to have someone else in my life but i feel ok with that.


So i guess yes today is a good day...(hehehehe better go for shopping and mark this day with something grand)

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Glad to hear that your having a good day. I've been doing okay and hanging in there with not contacting him or anything but my mind can't help but think if he's going to try calling me or anything again anytime soon or should I contact him when I am ready? I'm still not ready but I do have urges to send something as simple as an email to say hi. I'm not going to email because there's a chance he may not reply back to me and it will probably set me back and I have to do NC all over again. He has no idea I am doing NC. I just thought to do it without saying as it's easlier for me.

Tomorrow will make 3 weeks since we last spoken on the phone. I guess it hasn't been that long but it feels like forever.

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He has no idea I am doing NC. I just thought to do it without saying as it's easlier for me.

Tomorrow will make 3 weeks since we last spoken on the phone. I guess it hasn't been that long but it feels like forever.


He doesnt has to know you are doing NC. Dont worry, if he has to contact you sooo bad he will show up at your door.


You will keep getting the feeling to contact him for sometime, but tell me do you really wana feel the hurt all over again that you felt the first day?


I will pray the same feeling that i have today for you. Its a good feeling, makes me realize i am a survivor. I was hurt by the one i loved the most in fact the one i loved more then myself. But as much as i want him back, being with him now is tarnished... I will always be afraid of when he is going to hurt me again... i am stronger then that..and so are you.


I am very proud of you for standing up to make you stronger for the last 3 weeks... keep going!!!

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OH MAN im on the 4th day of NC, and i still have to connect my phone cuz its under her plan... help cuz i gotta go see her n do it. Other than that, its been hard yes.. hell yes.. but im doing my best.. i feel better an better each day. She is leaving for 6months of training in May, i wonder if i should be there to see her leave.. or not.

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I'm on day 17 of NC now! I'm starting to feel sad & missing him again. My mind wonders off on how close we used to be. Talking on the phone everyday.. emailing,etc. As much as I miss him being my friend, I miss being his friend to. I'm doing good so far, I'm staying strong.. but today I feel so blah. I don't want to talk to him over the phone right now because I feel scared like having " phobia of phones"


I have a strong erge to email or even sending him something little as a postcard. If only he didn't take me for granted and appreciated me more then I wouldn't have to go with thro this.

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I have a strong erge to email or even sending him something little as a postcard. If only he didn't take me for granted and appreciated me more then I wouldn't have to go with thro this.


I know exactly what you mean about not being taken for granted... i miss my ex a lot today tooo... i keep thinking how a person who says they would do anything for you would be over you in less then two months. I thought knowing that he has a new girlfriend would make it easy to get over him, but as easy were the first two days of knowing that, today i am back in the dump knowing that. I think my problem is more of the fact that i am still not clear on the change of feelings he had for me, i have no clue what he was considering when he broke up with me... why did he let me assume he still was in love with me when he was not... shouldnt have dragged me on...

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If I complete this month ( all of March) with not contacting him at all. This will be the longest that I ever went in not contacting him. It makes me wonder if he yet noticed or surpised that I haven't call,email, sented a postcard or anything this month? If I can just get thro 2 more weeks of NC then it would be good. I was the one who has decided to do NC without saying. But, I'm taking it day by day and trying to focus on myself and my true friends who I know really do care and appreciate me. It just hurts to much for me to keep giving and put so much effort into everything and all he does is takes without showing or telling me any appreciation for it.

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you guys are awesome. silvercloud, i wish i had your determination. i had the urge to send the ex a text message when i woke up (he sent me a text message at 3 am saying "i love love LOVE you"--i didn't text him back), but after I played the song Ex-factor by Lauryn Hill, i became strong all over again. hahaha.


good luck to everyone! =)

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You are doing great, look at your achievements so far you have come a long way whether its 2 weeks or not
Thankyou and I think you are doing great as well. It's friends like you who keep me strong *hugs*

I'm actually trying not to count or think how many days it's been so far ( as hard as it is) Thankyou!

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you guys are awesome. silvercloud, i wish i had your determination. i had the urge to send the ex a text message when i woke up (he sent me a text message at 3 am saying "i love love LOVE you"--i didn't text him back), but after I played the song Ex-factor by Lauryn Hill, i became strong all over again. hahaha.


good luck to everyone! =)


Thank u but i dont think its determination. Its probably loss of strenght to keep trying to make it work. I know in my heart that i did put the effort and even though i love him more then he can imagine, i cant give him more cause i am not capable of it. Also i think the reason i have been able to control myself from going back to him is cause i have already done that for him 3 times and everytime this treatment got worst. I think i would rather take the bitter pill that it will not happen then be with him and be his victim over and over again. Strange how i still want to be with him even when i know what the result of it would be?

I hurt today, wish things were different, wish i knew if he still cared for me... but then i think i am only hurting myself by not seeing the reality. And reality is that he has moved on, he has someone new and i am probably refusing to move on. I want him to be happy just wish it was with me...

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I feel empty somewhere in my heart, a mixture of numbness and sadness and also some very small but unrealistic hope of her understanding the issues we had in our relationships and workin it out, someday. aahh well thats gonna be there for some time now or perhaps for ever..................


way to go....



Hi spawn,


I'm stuck on this, too. Mine was more a mutual breakup (we both had our problems), but I know what I need to improve on. Not for him, necessarily, but for ANY relationship to work for me. But I wonder: is he working on his probs? Does he know I'm working on mine? Does he think I learned nothing from the past and have just moved on? I hope not. I keep thinking maybe one day in the far future we could work it out.... arggh

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No Contact (NC) is something you do for u!

It helps after awhile because you don't see the person

and you forget those little,so called special things that

make us like the person so much more than we would

have other-wise.

NC does work,and thats what I have been doing!

I like it now,and it's better to stay away from them.

It helps you get them out of your thoughts & mind

alot faster once you get past the shock,ect..........

It does help! ALOT!!!! Just keep trying until you get it down.

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Im doing no contact.

The thought of me ever calling him makes me feel sick

I will get my strength in knowing that everything was a sham.

The whole 5 years.

Friendship accounted 4 nothing, i cant even ask myself ' i wonder if he still cares about me'...coz i KNOW that he never ever did anyway..never.


Was always about him and what he could get from me used me ,i wouldnt say really 4 sex but more emotionally.

Thats the sick part.


He knew i loved him and used it to his advantage.

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