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Hi all, This guy whom I met at a party finally called a whole week after I called him! which I think is inconsiderate and shows he's not very interested. Anyways, he called and said he wanted to go out with me on Saturday with today being Friday. My question is does this show that he is using me as like a back up weekend plan? Like if he really liked me wouldn't he have returned my call shorly after I called him the first time and made plans with me far in advance? I mean he's 25 and I am sure he has dated a lot to know these things. He said he was busy all week with work but if he really liked me he would have called within 3 days right? anywas I already had plans for the weekend and told him I can't go out on Saturday or Sunday night but I will try to do something during the daytime with him. Do you have any suggestions? Also I am not totally over my ex boyfriend yet, is it smart to tell him that I want to take it slow or just let things happens as they will or else I might jump the gun and scare him. Thanks

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Could it be he was nervous about calling you and it took him a while to pluck up the courage to call? Or he may have been really busy at work or something? Don't read too much into it, just decide if you like the guy, if so go on the date, then take it from there!

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