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Found out my ex had cheated on me...

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So my "love" of my life apparently cheated on me. I learned today while hanging out with a friend of mine. When we had been dating she was going through a crisis with her love of her life cheating on her and my boyfriend was comforting her; I felt this energy from him towards her, and was sort of suspicious but went to bed. Apparently they went upstairs to her room and made out and then he stopped it and said he didn't want to do anything more because of her ex-boyfriend and because he was dating me, but he made it seem to her that we weren't **really** dating, but sort of "hanging out". But later on he told me that she tried to make out with him but he told her he didn't want to. This is crazy. What an *******. I think he told me just cause he thought I might hear about him going up to her room (we were living in a big house at the time with a total of 50 something students). I trust she is telling me the truth cause I asked her if it was o.k. if I told him and she said sure, she thinks he is weak for not being honest and for not telling her before they made out. Man, it's crazy, I look back on that time and remember all the doubts I had about him and how suspicious I was that he wanted to cheat on me, but when I brought up my feelings he said I was unreasonably jealous. I know of other situations that happened that were sketchy and now I'm beginning to think that he cheated on me with his present girlfriend before he broke up with me...

Wow, what a jerk! Well, I'm glad that's over!!

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no, she didn't know at the time. we were keeping it a secret from people. and he made out with her and then stopped and told her...

also, i kind of am more understanding of her because she was having a nervous breakdown (literally, we all knew about it) because of what was going on with her.

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