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So its over..

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2 days ago, I had plans to hang out with my gf. We were going out around 6, and I called her to confirm plans. She said it was good. Then around 5:30, she tells me she is with her guy friend and she isn't coming until later. I flipped because she always does this and blows off our plans, and I ended it with her. I was tired of being direspected. But now I feel regret, and I miss her. She called me crying and told me she loved me, and I made a mistake and asked for her back. She told me she is scared because she thinks this is true love and it scares her. But I guess she doesn;t want to try to see if it works. Guess I'm just venting, but I can't see why I want her back when she treated me like * * * *.

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So everything was ok until you stepped up for yourself and said enough is enough. Good for you. Why would you feel regret? You were tired of being disrespected and she wanted to hang out with another guy than with you whom she had plans with.

I am sorry when people say that true love scares them what is there to be scared of? Especially if the other person is on the same page??? Makes no sense to me.

You're young and will bounce back you may end up going back to her or you may stick to your guns and really look out for you? Only you know the answer to that.

Good Luck and yes vent away that is what this forum is for

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well, the thing was she just *Delayed* it right? I don't know if I'd leap to conclusions if she is coming a bit later...

was it because it was a male? what if it was a female? would you have had the same response? do you think she is interested in him?


Its mainly the fact that she knew we had plans, but still made plans to chill with her guy friends anyway, neglecting our plans.

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