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falling for a guy who is so wrong for me...how do I shake him off?


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Hello everyone,

I am not sure if you will remember my last post as it was a while ago. It was basically about a guy who I was really confused about, pretty much everyone came to the conclusion that he is just a player and I need to forget about him.

Well.....now I am writing because I need some help!

I know he is confusing, I know he may still have a gf, I know he could very well be a player, or he could be using me for an ego boost......I know all of this! BUT, I can't stop thinking about him!!!!!!

I know it seems so messed up, I have every reason to just stop caring. But I just can't, no matter how hard I try. The feelings I have for him are back and in full effect.

We act like we are friends for the most part, but there is this chemistry that I never really get with guys I date. Its like beyond a physical attraction, we just click.

That is the only thing keeping me hanging on really. That, and the fact that he throws out confusing comments/actions every once in a while that leave me completely messed up.

What I need is some advice on how to forget about a guy like this. The guy who is soooo wrong for you, and who is not worth the time, but you just can't seem to shake him off.


Its getting bad and it needs to stop....any advice please??!

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I understand what you are going through right now. Your urge of wanting him is like an addiction. So, given you choose to forgot him, you might try to cut down or no contact with him. In this way, you can have time to heal and get your life back, but this time you have gain another experience to avoid this type of person again.


Good luck.


Woof Woof!

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what if i avoid all contact and he goes out of his way to contact me? this is hypothetically speaking cause I don't think he ever would, but just incase, how do i act then?? Because I know that if he does something or says something to me that seems great I could fall right back into his trap again. If that scenario takes place, do i run away?? Or do i hear him out?

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stay away from him, but if he contacts you and starts talking and makes you fall for him again, tell him to his face that he's confusing you and ask him be open and say what he exactly wants. If he says he wants you, then good for you, if he says he doesn't or he gives answer like "umm.. I'm kinda [anything unclear]" you tell him to his face that you want him to leave you alone. If he's decent, he'll do that. If not, stay away from him and if he starts stalking you, call the cops

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or he gives answer like "umm.. I'm kinda [anything unclear]" you tell him to his face that you want him to leave you alone.


Great point. Anytime an ex comes back and you guys start talking about getting back together and they start showing signs of doubt or uncertainty like this...forget it...

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We act like we are friends for the most part, but there is this chemistry that I never really get with guys I date. Its like beyond a physical attraction, we just click.

That is the only thing keeping me hanging on really. That, and the fact that he throws out confusing comments/actions every once in a while that leave me completely messed up.


Wow, this guy must really know what he is doing, I´d like to hang out with this guy and see how he does it.


This comes down to a question about what kind of experiences do you want to get out of life. What Í´ve personally discovered is that people who you are going to be really attracted to like this guy, will most likely be people who are somewhat unatainable, that is why you find them so attractive. Most likely if you hook up with this guy.. it will be short lived and you will be hurt after getting dumped. SO is it worth it?

I´ve personally been dumped twice recently from girls who I knew from the beginning would eventually dump me and move on. But the feelings were much more intense with these girls then girls that I know I could easily have and had.

But I can´t really say if its worth it, because going through the dumped stage really sucks. But I´d say go for it.. it could be an experience that will last you a life time.


but there is this chemistry that I never really get with guys I date


This is rare to really have chemistry with someone, when I do have this chemistry I really pursue the person.

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i am so scared that he is gonna hurt me, he already hurt me pretty bad once about a year ago. The last thing I want is for him to end up on top and for me to be upset and vulnerable all over again.

The one ideal thing I would want is for him to tell me he wants me and for me to turn him down this time....the sad thing is, at this point in the game, if he were to tell me he wanted me I would cave.

So that's the thing, I know that people change and that there is an honest chance that one day he MAY actually want to be with me. But he is so inconsistent and he is so confusing that I just don't want to be waiting around when or if that does happen. I am at the point where I know I am really vulnerable so my focus is on getting out of that spot.

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I know that people change and that there is an honest chance that one day he MAY actually want to be with me.


This says it all right here. Many, many, many people have thought this same thing...and I've never seen or heard of it happening... Don't fall into this trap! Let him go!


Re-read your original post. You were doing a lot better with that one...

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