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how to show sexual confidence?

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A couple of months ago I posted a topic and you might want to briefly look at it before answering this one. Briefly, I basically ended a relationship because I didn't think that I was beautiful or sexually experienced enough for this guy. I ended things right after having sex on Valentine's Day. Anyway, we have remained friends and have gone out with other friends and had good times. Recently, I cooked dinner for him and he showed up with a bottle of chilled wine and afterwards we went out for a few drinks. We had a wonderful time. Anyway, I have shyed away from being direct with him about how I still feel about him or even coming anywhere near approaching that subject with him because for the last two months I have been preparing for a big exam that I am going to take in a couple of weeks. At the conclusion of that big exam I will hopefully be seeing this guy to go out and celebrate and I need to know what I can do or say then to let him know that I have worked through things and that I feel better about how I look and that I completely realize that I was a dumbass before. How can I let him know without just coming out and saying so? Please help. I bought a sexy top (sophisticated sexy, that is) to wear that night and should I wear it?

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Hi there learning1...

I am glad you have worked on how you feel about yourself. I think that if you feel sexy and think you are sexy....you will come off to others that way. So, should you wear the top? .....you should be saying heck yes, I am going to knock this guys socks off...and don't worry about what we think. The best thing for you to do is show him, not tell him.

Flirt, be confidant, look sexy and have fun with yourself...he will see the new you without you saying a word.

(good luck on that exam)

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You know what, you don't have to do anything.


See, us men, we know women are confusing. We accept that - it's wisdom that is passed on from man to son.


It's even possible that he blamed himself. While you're thinking you have to make it up to him, he's thinking "Don't screw it up this time!". You slept with him on Feb.14 and he's been attempting to win you back since. At least, that's how he sees it. He's probably been agonizing about what to say and how to say it. Sometimes you've been in a good mood and smiled at him and he read it as something he did. HA!


So you'll go out with him and be sexy, possibly sleep with him. You know what he'll be thinking? All that effort paid off. Men... they're so cute.

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