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basically i want to no if my girlfriend is loose compared to other women,

wen i play wth her se only fits in one finger tobegin with but after abut a min she easily takes 4. 2 f my previous girlfriends have only taken 3 and one only 2 finger bfore i could get any more in. am i right in thinking she is loose

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Good grief.....

Some of us are tall, some are short, some have dark skin and some are light....we are all made different.


It is a mussel. It can contract tightly or expand. As far as I am concerned, how many fingers you can put in probably means nothing....

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I've been intimate with a good amount of women, and I could say first hand that this does vary from woman to woman. I've had girls that could only take 2 fingers before they're squirming in pain, and I've been with girls where I could stick 4 fingers with no problem, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think a girl is "too loose" if I could stick 4 fingers as opposed to 2.



basically i want to no if my girlfriend is loose compared to other women


Sounds to me like you're a little concerned that maybe your girl is more loose than other girls, maybe loose in the sexual way more pertaining to her past. Don't let thoughts of her past get to you if that's what's going through your mind. Just be happy you're the one fingering her now (sorry, couldn't help myself on that one ).

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GosH i hate the word "loose" it makes her sound as if she humps 10 horses everynight. All women are different, i think the only difference in how loose a girl is, is how comfortable she is in the moment, there are times where I can take 4 and sometimes, i can only take one because sometimes im too tense. She is probably more experienced than other girls you've been with and she knows how to relax while doing her stuff.I think the secret is how comfortable a girl is and how relaxed she is. If she's relaxed, the muscles are as well so its easier.

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What does it matter?? If you love her than enjoy being with her and sharing that intimacy instead of measuring how many fingers. I think this boils down to self confidence. Just know that she only wants to be with you and you are the only one who gives her satisfaction. And hpefully visa versa

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fingers do not matter not one bit! now penis sixe does matter! if you put your friend in and it does not rub against the walls or if you dont have the enjoyment of her then thats when it comes to the question of os she loose or not. you must of had great expectation on how many fingers you could fit in. but like i said fingers dont matter not one bit its the real thing!

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there is this tecnic that she can use. what she does is tense up all her muscles up down there and loosen all very slowly and i mean very very. she should do this at least 10 times a day and with in a few weeks it will show. i do it every sso often and my b-f can only fit one finger in me!


good luck



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