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like him but dont want to get hurt, help?


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i like this guy and he likes me too but he has a girlfriend. he told me that hes soooo attracted to me and thats bad because hes got a girl. well weve stayed friends but its hard cause i like him so much. whatcani do cause we are supposed to meet up at a bar this weekend and i think we should talk .....DO I TELL HIM THAT I LIKE HIM AND MAYBE WE SHOULD KEEP SOME DISTANCE? DO I ASK HOW HIS GF FEELS ABOUT US BEING @ THE BAR TOGETHER? i just HAVE to tell him how i feel or ill always wonder what couldve been.....but i dont want to get hurt. what if he stays with his girl and keeps me onthe side?! but i do NOT what him to feel that he has to choose or anything. help?

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If I were you, I wouldnt get any more involved in this situation because he could be just setting you up for being a "side-item". He could be a player and all the stuff that he is saying to you may be his way of making nice to you so that he can get into your pants.


It just isnt a good idea to get involved with a guy that has a gf because you wouldnt want another woman to do that to you. Also, if the guy is willing to flirt/mess/whatever with you when he does have a gf, he will probably do the same to someone else if you ever became his gf. He seems like a player.


I have seen those types and I stay away from them so that I dont get my heart broken.

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it tough if you like him....and it seems like he likes you too. but like everyone said, this could be a bad situation. if he's that into you, he'd leave who he's with. tell him you're interested too. but only if he's single...if he's not willing to leave his girlfriend, then you know where his true feelings lie....hope things work out for you.

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