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I Need Advice...parents Broke Us Up

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Hi..my name is Spenser and i am almost 16 years old...last august i met my ex boyfriend, Josh who is 18 and graduated from my hugh school last year, and i immediately knew i liked him...like soon turned into love....but the only problem was...we were dating in secret because i knew my super strict parents would not understand...let alone approve...Me and Josh dated until the beginning of November...and that is when my parents found out and immediately forbid me from ever seeing him or talking to him again...they took away my cell, hid all the home phones, never left me home alone, and grounded me until summer. (but im now ungrounded) Its been 3 months since i have talked to Josh and i miss him every day. I know it sounds pathetic but i cry myself to sleep each night wishing i could just hear his voice and tell me everything is going to be all right. My sixteenth birthday is coming up and i am thinking of trying to ask my rents if i can at least talk to him and be friends with him. I know that i am in love with him so its not like i can just get over him...and we have mutual friends so i know that he doesnt already have some other girlfriend...

**plz give me sum advice...should i ask my parents to be able to have some contact with him..or is it a lost cause...and if it isnt....what should i tell my parents that would actually get them thinking how i am or at least let them understand a little bit and allow me to talk to him. **

Thank you soo much...any advice will help


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First, try to understand that your parents are probably only doing what they think they need to in order to protect and look out for you. I don't agree with what they did, and don't think it was the right way to go about things, but can at least understand there reasons. They don't want to see you hurt.


Also, they were probably troubled by you sneaking around on them. You doing that helped prove to them that something was wrong. Cause you wouldn't be lying if he was ok. Maybe you should work on getting them to meet each other. If your parents can see that he is a good guy and that he wouldn't hurt you, then they may be more lenient on a relationship or at least as friends.

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I tryed to get them to meet him after they found out but they were so hung up on the fact that he was 18....that they wouldnt listen...they told me it was illeagel for us to even date....which is NOT true.....i tryed telling him that he is a honest, smart, hardworking guy that actually treats me with love and respect...he didnt do drugs and he was a great guy...but my parents would rather me go out with a guy in my own grade....i tryed to tell them that age isnt the only factor becasue my bf b4 him was in my grade and he drinks adn does drugs every weekend.....but they wouldnt listen....its been 4 months and i want to try to reason with....but i need to do it in an adult way...any ideas?

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sounds like the parent thing to do.. haha

but i would try having ur parents meet him.. that might help.

things will most likely work out wheather your parents want it to or not.. i mean. romeo and juliet. seen it? haha if u need any hope, watch that movie! haha no seriously tho if u both really want to be together and are meant to be everything will work out.. and as tough as that may be to just accept its the truth!

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if you both feel the same way then ask your parents if you can see him as friends. make them take notice. yes they are your parents and want to protect you. but this is not protecting, this is hurting and that is something no parent should ever want to do. my parents were too strict with me but i am a parent myself. i know it's hard to get the right balance. but your parents are being totally unfair not letting you have contact at all if the only reason is his age.

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