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Had sex without a condom over 6 months ago....

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I was drunk at the time and I engaged in intercourse after she performed the insertion without a condom for roughly 5 minutes before i stopped after not being able to maintain my erection due to being drunk.


That was over 6 months ago, and it was the only time i've ever really "had sex".


I have a gf now who is the love of my life, and we are THIS close to having sex, i havent had any symptoms of an STD nor have i felt any different. So is there still a possibility that i have an STD and if so can it be spread? Like i said i feel fine, but i dont want to spread anything to my gf. Thanks.

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Of course there's a chance you could have an STD. You don't need to show symptoms in order to be a carrier.


Go and get checked. You always should before switching partners. It's not fair to spread some sort of disease to an unsuspecting woman. There are many that can make a woman unable to have children. Not worth the risk.

Be responsible.

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Most of the tests are blood tests. They simply draw samples of blood to test for virtually all stds with the notable exception for gonorrhea. That involves a swab sample from inside the penis and quite frankly is one of the most unpleasant things I've ever experienced.


The $$ cost varies by clinic. Just call them and ask them for an estimate.

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i havent had any symptoms of an STD nor have i felt any different. So is there still a possibility that i have an STD and if so can it be spread? Like i said i feel fine, but i dont want to spread anything to my gf. Thanks.


I don't want to scare you- but having no symptoms does not guarentee that you do not have an STD. Some men do not show any symptoms when they contract and STD. If you had sex without a condom (regardless of how long it lasted) you could have contracted an STD.


If you care about yourself, and your girlfriend, You will hold off on sex for now and go get tested.


I'm sure you'll feel much better when you know.





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As everyone has said, I also urge you to see your doctor and be tested. It's better to be safe then sorry. And think about it this way, if you accidently passed on something to the girl, how would that make you feel? Get tested to avoid having that happen.


It is scary. But its something you need to do. Stay calm, don't panic. You'll be alright.

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