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Well update on the bracelet...soyou guy s can see what type of monster im dealing wit

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as i posted i found her bracelet couple of weeks back in my pocket..i sent her an e-mail that read i found something of yours a bracelet yada yada maybe i can give it to you over a cup of coffee and no shenanagans on ym part..its been 4 motnhs i know teh alst time i saw you was a disaster but i think i can handle seeing you..oh i also bought something for you for your b-day a while ago, but i refrained form sending it because of the rocky patch in dec...well ig et a response today and it reads:

i dont know how i feel about having acoffee but this coming week is really hectic for me anyways..maybe when i get back from LA we can figure it out. oh and speaking of bracelets you have one lodged between the center councel and the passenger seat in your car (THE NERVE!!!) it s not a big deal but if you could get it out that would be awsome (MAYBE IF YOU DIED THATH would be awsome also) talk to you soon

then i respond:

i sent you the bracelet via mail yesterday dont worrie about the coffee i have cleaned out my car since and have found nothing of yours sooy..as much as i love you i am sooooo happy we broke up

her response:

you are so bizarre. if you are constantly going to be this weird, hot and cold dont get in touch with me at all. i d rather that ! then have you write a nice email one day then be a jerk the next

my repsnse:

i am not bizarre yu know i care for you..i was trying to reach out and squashe everything with a cup of coffee and you have to make me feel like crap bout it..have a safe trip bizzarre is telling some one you love them in july and aug you are saying you cant imagine ever being with them thats bizareee..I knowyou dont feel what i feel but i fell for you hard cris..especially this time around ..i wanted to give my life to you,,so i apologize if i get this way YOUR EALLY HURT ME BAD!!!

you knwo what that piece of dung replies? no remorse no apology

excuse me fro not being sure whether i want to meet up with you..it seems since we broek up and i see you its a disaster and you know it

WHATEVER thanks for mailing my bracelet

this folks was the woman i am head over heels for..in a nut shell..these e-mail should tell you what i was dealing with..not even i am sorry..i know i hurt you...nothiung

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this interaction was actually theraputick..i have never met some one so selfish..i thouht i was a bit self centered and selfish...wow this chick takes the cake...i should of never let her in the house when her mother kicked her out..i am almost tempted to collect the 200 buks she owes me!

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oh you have no idea....how much i hate her...how much she used me...how much she hurt me..and how selfish she is for hurting me so much and not even an apology...I firmly believe in karma it happened to me and it will happen to her...oh and she;s got alot coming to her..and i am not speaking on ymbehalf only...good ridance

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You need to start NC as soon as possible. Don't email or call her again and block her email address.

Personally I don't think that her first response was all that out of order.

All she did was say she wasn't sure about meeting up with you and I can quite understand why she wouldn't if the last time you saw each other was very difficult. She only really seemed to get nasty when you made the comment 'I'm sooo happy we broke up' because she was basically refusing to meet up with you.


I don't know about anybody else here but if I had broken up with somebody and I he emailed me about something I had left at his place and suggested meeting I would be thinking that he was using it as an excuse to meet in an attempt to talk me around and would probably not take him up on it either especially if I was trying to move on and the last time I saw the guy had been disastrous.

The angry way you responded kind of confirms that this might be what you were trying to achieve...so if she's this resolute, don't you think that her refusal to meet up might have been the best thing all round?

I'm not trying to rub salt in the wound here or make light of your suffering, I'm just suggesting that you look at it from her point of view and see that her NOT meeting up for coffee is probably the best thing she could have done for you.

Regardless you really need to cut off all contact with her to allow yourself to heal.

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OMG you should have tossed that bracelet in the trash after she mentioned that she wanted you to die.


i noticed that you kept on responding to her emails. You are just hurting yourself more and more. honestly i think i would have responded in the same fashion as she did. to me you come off as someone who simply cannot let go and is finding any little excuse to talk to her.


like the person above menioned, you really should start the NC rule and stick to it. No matter how much you try, no matter how nice or straight forward you are to her. that is not going to bring her back, (that is if you even still want her back) just take heed that she is doing well and has moved on.


if she contacts you she contacts you, simple as that. Good luck.


btw its friday and its party day... go out with your buddys and meet someone new. someone that will apreciate that you found her bracelets =)

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Was I completely wrong in thinking that what was put in brackets ('the maybe if you died that would be awesome' comment) was made by the poster about his ex? I got the impression it was HIM saying it about HER because he was so angry with her, was I wrong?


hey you are right, its not an easy read. that actually implies that he edited the message from her, to post onto here. interesting.


but assuming that the death wish was not stated by her. it still shows me that he cant let things go and should definitely go with your suggestions of NC.

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Suker, I realize this chick hurt you, but you sound very vindictive and angry toward her. Are you angry that she didn't love you in the same way? I think that is a slfish way to treat someone you CLAIM to "love". I am being honest here. If you truly "loved" her, you would not be so mean and hateful toward her. I realize love makes us feel and act in certain ways that are out of the ordinary..but you are using her "lack of love" for you as a way to punish her. Haven't you ever met someone that had strong feelings for you, but you just didn't feel the same way?? Isn't she entitled to that?? She is human. it doesn't mean she is selfish. She is just not able to reciprocate those feelings. It's a huge pill to swallow...especially if you have a big ego..but we ALL have to eat humble pie once in a while.


My advice....stop being so hateful. It consumes you as much as loving someone does. Just let it go.

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I agree echo, the OP really needs to let go and stop expending so much energy on hating this girl simply for not feeling the same way. I can see nothing in her correspondence that suggests she is 'a monster' she is just trying to move on with her life.

My advice is to not call/email this girl again - this contact is not helping either of you in the healing process. Go out with your friends and concentrate on yourself. Take care of yourself, it will stop hurting with time.

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Man. I really understand your anger... maybe she has a little to do with it but i think that what hurts you most, its the feeling that you let yourself being treated like that by her... cause you loved her and believe in her words, just to find out that all was a F!"#$! LIE.. ( That's how i feel about my ex)


I think you're maybe angry with her for putting you in that situation, being so vulnerable and open to her. Wasting your time, feelings and money just to get nothing. Only emptyness, sadness, and loneliness...


Maybe i'm wrong, but that how i see your situation from outside and taking as reference my own experiences.


My two cents for you will be.. FORGET ABOUT THIS GIRL, MAN!

She doesn't deserves your time anymore.. Go ahead with your life!

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