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Ran Into The Ex Today - Valentine's Day - how funny!

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Sooooo ran into my ex today coming back from lunch. He was the last person I expected to see, not today at least. I figured I'd run into him at a bar somewhere down the line - or see him walking down the street as he works close to where I live and I've seen him before on a few occasions. But not walking past my building towards me. I guess he was a little shocked as well.


lol - it's Valentine's Day. That's kind of funny to me. I could have run into him any other day but today is the day we ran into each other. We've a funny little history like that - kismet.


We spoke a little (thank GOD I was looking cute today heh and boy did he look as beautiful as ever) and he asked about my family I asked about his and our lives...looks like I'm making waves and advancing/moving forward in life and though he is too in a way - he's basically just doing same old same old. He made a comment on my looks/hair (which has grown) and seemed kind of impressed? about what I was up to. Didn't brag, just told him about my new job and a couple of other things. Hugged each other goodbye and that was that.


Feelings? I'm still in love with my ex. Infact I'll always be in love with my ex. I'm over thirty now folks, I know what love is. Doesn't mean I won't find love with another person. I will. I never had a doubt. I just wanted this one. Wanted him. It hasn't faded one iota. But the bond has started to severe.


However, seeing him doesn't make me want to break my nc thing. If he chooses to contact me - well all right then, if not - no foul no harm. I always knew we'd run into each other. I am still friends with many of "his" friends - including his best friend who talks to me on occasion and is glad that I chose to still communicate with him even though me and my ex broke up as he thinks i'm a great person. I figured we'd run into each other at a bar or something - same circles - the city is big (actually huge) but small at the same time.


Could I be with him now at this point? Nope. He's got a lot of maturing to do still and he's still in the same environment. I don't think any lessons have been learned on his part - may take another copule of years, may not ever happen. But right now? nope.


Could I be friends with him at this point? Nope. He doesnt deserve me in his life at this point and I don't think I should have him in mine. Not right now at least. Hehe I'm too good for him. But golly jee wiz kids, my confession is that I really do miss him and haven't stopped thinking about him. Not as strong as before, but he's always in my thoughts.


So whoo...it's funny to me actually...you know those people who will always be in your lives in some way, shape or form? He's one of them. I think we're going to keep running into each other randomly. It's just in the stars for us I think. And I'm actually okay with it. ;-)


feeling kind of zen.

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heyy power to you. i mean granted your age definitely shows the maturity but its very rare to find people who are upfront with themselves and can be truthful to their own soul. and i felt alot of similarities with your post. i loved my ex and ill always care for him and i see him and my heart skips a beat. but i also know he isnt right for me and im happy being alone. there are times that i do miss him (days like today) but really...whatever. i know im young, but ive only liked 2 guys in my life...now 3 im not exactly the typical teen. so yeah its just gotta get it out right? like today in school my ex (whom i still talk to and am friends iwth but hes very hot and cold) passed by my locker and just swung his jacket towards me started talking a bit before he headed to his class which is right next to my locker and then he stopped and hes like "who gave you the card??" and i mean it was one of those little ones and i had it stuffedi n my hand so you could just see a little speck of white and he asked me in this almost jealous manner. im like this girl n hes like ooooo and walked in. dont you love these moments!

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