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alone is ok, lonely sux! HELP!

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Greeting all,


Here's my dilemma, Im 45 divorced male and have 2 great kids. sounds good so far right? well its not, all I see is happy people w/there mates. Dinners alone, lunches, breakfasts. always alone never anyone to talk to other than male co-workers. I took a job requiring 90% international travel because being close to my kids w/out living w/them made me crazy. I couldn't do it. I would not sleep, not eat, vomit everynight out of a sound sleep.ect... you get the picture im sure. I have too keep this job because the $$$$.$$ is awesome and it allows me to make sure my kids are taken care of FINANCIALLY. The only thing is I have no life other than work? no dates,no g/f ect... and you can see how being with all the travel i do... when i do get home all i want to do is be w/my kids. I fantisize about a women who has no strings, and can see the world w/me. Then i wake up in Asia alone...see what i mean I feel dammed if I do and dammed if I dont. I dont mind being alone but loney sux!!!



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I understand you situation. You're feeling that you are missing something in your life, a significant other. You enjoy your job, but you feel that it doesn't allow you any down time.


It's good that you want to provide for your kids, that is very respectable. However you have to understand that your first priority is to yourself first. You are only responsible for your own happiness, now quite often your happiness is intertwined with another's (ie kid or wife). What do you need to make you happy?


It sounds like you want to meet someone to add to your life. Would it be possible to take some time off work to stay at home for a while? Have you ever looked into a dating service; you will be able to find people who have the same interests and goals as you. Maybe you need to start new hobbies, something to fill your time? The world is full of 6 billion people it's a shame to feel alone and completely unnecessary, don't you think?


What is it that you want?

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I agree with Crookster_Man maybe a dating service. I am sure there are professionals out there just like you. You may want to start out looking for a friend not even a g/f. Also, network try to mingle with people you work with if this is possible. How old are your kids?? Maybe they have friends with single parents. Good luck

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What jumped out at me right away is the same as the prior advice.


Dating service BUT not just any. Go to link removed and create a profile under INTIMATE ENCOUNTERS.


These are people who want relationships without the strings attached. Not just sex - but without that required progression towards serious relationships. Your problem is not only that you travel a lot but it'll be hard to expect a woman to wait for you while you travel so much. So you should do one of the following:


1) Find someone who travels similar to you - very hard

2) Get into a no strings relationship where you can have the affection and attention you need when you're available.

3) Get a different job

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I agree with all the great people above. Balance your life. Set your priorities straight. Know what you want from people and what they want from you. Dont be let down by certain things that are holding you down in life. Meet people at work, talk to your male friends and see what they think about this. Know yourself and you will be a much happier person, and keep in mind that you have 2 beutiful children, cherish them my friend, and dont let them down, for as one passes away in this cold life, you will be immortal, within their minds.


i wish you luck in all that you do, in the meantime i remain your arab friend,


Mr. Innocent

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