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To chase or not..


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Went out with a crowd from work and ended up talking to one girl. Later on another girl ask how I got on with xyz.. I said yeah she's nice.. Other girl then says oh she likes you, you know..


*bombshell dropped* - I had no idea at all - I kinda drift through life without paying all that much attention to things I guess..


Anyway I met her again by chance and spoke for a while (with a crowd) asked her out on a date and she said she was very busy at the moment.. Left a note for her next day saying my invite was still open.. left my number.


We've been exchanging what I would say are slightly strange looks in the office - maybe just me flapping LOL..


Question is do I continue to chase, and how best to work out if she is *really* interested and it's not all been a huge misunderstanding ?


thanks in advance.

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She sounds interested, try it on for size by organisisng a snmall group thing and making sure she gets invited, ehg small crowd from the office. If she comes she's interested. If she doesnt but makes the ffort to taell you in person she is interested. If she doesnt show and doesnt say why to you personally then in general she is not interested.

However in that case havea really great time , it will get back to her, (of course) and this may spark her interst.




Ask her for coffee, or lunch at work, toatally as a workmate. See how it goes from there


and as abit of general advice, try paying abit more attention! Who knows how amnt lovely women have slipped thru your fingers.


Good luck

Love as always


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