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Advice needed.


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Over the last year I've grown very fond of a woman whom works in the same office as me.


We get on very well. Laugh at each others jokes, and really enjoy each others company. I feel a love for her that I have never felt for another person in my entier life. I've loved, but this is true love.


I would of course like to know if she feels the same way. However, she has been in a relationship for 7 years (not married), shares a mortgage with her partner... they even have a dog, two cats, and a couple of turtles.


My question to you is this. Should I enjoy our friendship as it stands, or should I tell her I love her?

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I would strongly advise against telling a person who is in a relationship that you love her. Instead, you should probably scale back on spending time with her and spend more time with single women. I say this because you are bound to have your heartbroken by getting so wrapped up in someone who is already taken.

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My question to you is this. Should I enjoy our friendship as it stands, or should I tell her I love her?


My rule is if someone is involved with another man, and I have feelings for her, it's hands off. She is taken...period...leave it at that...


Not only should you not share your feelings with her but you should also only maintain strictly professional contact with this woman.


Deep-six that one Johnnysix...

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