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how do i tell her im really sorry??

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How do i tell my ex im really sorry and let her know i really mean it. She doesnt want anything to do with me she keeps being harsh to me even after weeks of NC and i really dont want to continue NC until i get the message accross to her that im really sorry for everything. I feel really bad and she wont speak to me at all. She would blank me and walk away if i tried talkin to her in person and she'd hang up when if i called etc. I'm really confused please someone tell me what to do? An email isnt meaningful enough.. i really need help =(

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Sometimes their isnt anything else you can do. If she isn't willing to listen to you then you will have to back off and give her some space. You may never get a chance to apologize to her in person. She sounds upset, and is dealing with her hurt, please let her do that.


The important thing is that you realize your mistake, or the hurt you caused her, or the things you are sorry for. I have a hunch your words at this time mean little to her, so hold off on apologizing. Forgive yourself, and forgive her.


You are in a tough position right now and your attempts to apologize are not seen as a good thing from her perspective, (I am speculating here).


You may get a chance to apologize to her, but when she is ready. You may need to let it go for now, and detach from the situation.


Be well,


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omg i phoned her just now and she actually let me talk for once. i was sayin sorry and stuff and she was like im sure ur a nice person and ur bein nice now but im really sorry but i dont really care.. and im sorry ive been evil or sumthin i cant remember exactly what she said but i was like yeh i just want u to no that im really sory and like when ur ready to forgive me just ya.. and she was like its not that i dont forgive you its just that i dont really care.. and im really sorry.. something like that.. and i was like okay well ya.. ill see u when we get back.. and we said bye. it wasnt as awkward as i make it sound but it was quite.. but ya.. im guessin i should give her more space.. its the second time i've called her after weeekss and this time she's actually letting herself listen to me =D yay.. well.. if i carry on with NC will that help us to be friends again in the future..?? then maybe much further down the road we could perhaps try a new relationship??.. but what do i do right now??..

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i really think that you should try and move on!! i think that you should stick with NC, but try and do this for yourself, and to try and heal.

try to get over her, if she wants to contact you further down the line she will.

i know it is hard to move on, but it is possible and time is a great healer.


it will be easier for you to move on if you are not in contact with her!

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I think at this point that the apology was more important to you then it was to her.


If someone is not interested in hearing what you have to say, then it's really pointless to continue making the effort. She's said flat out that she really just doesn't care, to me, this says, move on.


I don't know your full situation, but what exactly is it that you're sorry about? Are you the one who broke up with her? Did you cheat on her? Why was this apology so important to you, especially after she made it clear she had no desire to hear it?


IMO, it would be in your best interests to move on and have no further expectations as far as a friendship or relationship with this girl is concerned. She listened to you apologize, and then told you that she didn't care, I wouldn't take that as a good sign.


I'm sorry, and I know this is really difficult for you, but I don't think she's interested in trying to salvage any type of relationship. Focus on your own life and making sure that you don't repeat mistakes that you made with her in the past. If she wants to be your friend at some point, she knows how to find you.

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i think that you should keep up no contact for another while anyway. if you really feel that you must contact her again why not work on yourself more, and become emotionally stronger. i know you probably feel terrible, but is trying to contact her, and her being pretty horrible back to you not making you feel worse?

what is it that you are sorry for? did you do something to cause the break up.

if you did not do anything much wrong, and she was the one to break it off i do not think that you should have to apologize for anything!!


and if you do work on yourself emotionally, and make yourself stronger, and after that still feel like you want to try and be friends with her, she will probably respect you more if you make it seem like you def only want to be friends and you don't put any clingy/needy feelings accross to her.

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i really love her though.. and i do think she has good reasons to not want to have anything to do with me.. but i think it could get better and im really willing to try and atleast get our friendship back because we were great together..


Understandable, but trust me, you'd be better off facing the facts, even if it takes you a while to really absorb them.


When someone is indifferent and says frankly, "I don't care", there isn't really much room for doubt. Don't punish yourself more than need be. When someone says, "I don't care, I don't need you in my life", it doesn't make sense to stick around hoping for more.

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I can see by the replys you received and you new posts you aren't listening. I understand it is hard, but you are giving your personal power all to her.


It sounds like she is pretty cold towards you. The i don't care, was rather immature of her, and well rude. Yet it is a sign to you of how she feels about the relationship you two had.


The question is, why would you tolerate this from this woman/girl??? Ask yourself this question and try to find an answer.


Learn to take care of yourself, and live your life and do all the things you want to and wanted to , date and date and date. Nothing serious, nothing heavy, just meet girls and date, HAVE FUN !


WHat do you do now???? LIVE !!!!


be well


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She was harsh to you because she wanted you to leave her alone. I don't think she is upset with you for whatever you did, it's more like an excuse to keep you away. She doesn't have any feelings for you anymore and that is why she is acting that way. The more you beg and appologize, the worse it gets. It sounds like you were in NC hoping to get her friendship back, so now after all these time, you are still hurting. You need to start NC for YOU to move on. I CAN happen, just put your mind into it.

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