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Friend wants me to tell her my secret via e-mail. Secret is that I love her. Help plz

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I'm not too sure on whether this thread belongs in the family and friends or the Love section. I am in love with my best friend, Bridget. A couple months ago Frank was trying to tell her my "little secret" (that I love her) but I kept stopping him on account that I would rather tell her myself.


About a week later she asked me what the secret was. I wouldn't tell her and she told me that she will get it out of Frank sooner or later.


Well, today I asked her during chess club if she ever got my secret out of Frank and she said that she didn't ask because he lies about a lot and wouldn't be able to believe him. After chess club, she told me to either tell her or not because it is really bothering her. I told her I will tell her. Then my mother pulled up and started yelling at me to hurry up and Bridget told me to e-mail her my secret.


I can't tell her I love her because it might bother our friendship. So I guess I'll tell a half truth and tell her I have a crush on her. But the question is, how? How, or what would be the best way to tell her?


Please reply. All replies are highly appreciated.

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Don't tell her over an email. Things are too easily misinterpurted when you do that. Don't do it over the phone either beacsue, once again, she can't see you body language and tell that you are entirley serious. If she's expecting an emial tonight you can tell her that you are going to tell her tomorrow becasue the secret is one which you would rather tell her in person. Then, tomorrow when you see her, pull her aside (make sure no one else is around) and tell her that it was really important that you tell her this in person becasue she means a lot to you. Then tell her that recentley you have developed feelings towards her that are much more then friendship. Tell her that you really like her and that you want to become more then friends.

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Don't tell her over an email. Things are too easily misinterpurted when you do that. Don't do it over the phone either beacsue, once again, she can't see you body language and tell that you are entirley serious. If she's expecting an emial tonight you can tell her that you are going to tell her tomorrow becasue the secret is one which you would rather tell her in person. Then, tomorrow when you see her, pull her aside (make sure no one else is around) and tell her that it was really important that you tell her this in person becasue she means a lot to you. Then tell her that recentley you have developed feelings towards her that are much more then friendship. Tell her that you really like her and that you want to become more then friends.


Okay. But how do I pull her aside? I walk her to her first period class every day, so should I tell her that I would rather tell her in person and ask her if she can wait outside her class after first period so I can tell her alone. Would that be the same? A simple yes or no is all I'm asking for.


I apologize if I'm asking a stupid question.

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Lol, no it's not stupid. Yah that would be fine. It doesn't have to be in a secret room filled iwth candels, just somewhere where you have semi-privacy. Enought to talk to her without getting interrupted. You want to be able to make your point and have it go smoothly


haha, yeah. But the candles would be a nice touch.


Technically, there would really be no semi-private place. After first period the students have a 10 minute break. And we're not allowd outside. So what would be considered semi-private in this situation? And should I tell her that I love her, or that I have a crush on her (which wou be a half truth)?



All I have to know are those two things.

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id say first off dont tell her you love her, because it might scare her off, and also it might just be a reaaaally stong crush your feeling, and a semi-private place would be in a corner where noone else is or just lower your voice alot...thats what i did when i told my crush i liked him and i ended up going out with him lmao!

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Hey dude.....even i'm facing the same situation.So we r sailing in same boat...thats why i can realize ur situation very well.I'm not give any different advice than others.But one thing i want to say u that dont expect immediate reply (i.e. yes or no).Give her space to think and do tell her that her friendship also means lot to you.Alll the best buddy.bye

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