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well i wasnt sure to post or not to post so bear with me and my babbling.


Well lately i seem to go crazy and there are reasons.

The reasons are, uncertain future, not being able to be with my bf because its a long distance relationship (we have plans but they are so hard and crazy cause of that so its so stressful), so i live alone which is hard too, also school is hard, also i depend on someone who can control my life, so when i look into the future it just stresses me and i dont know where i will be, i know what i want, i want to be with my partner and dont want to be controled by those i depend on and live with them which they can make me do that.

Well i want to learn to take things easy, i understand everyone has problems in life, so i would like some inspiration or something. Also all this stress and depression really turned off any motivation in me, so i need an advice about how to get motivated too.

I just feel like i have no energy and i would like to learn to fight for myself, my life and get what i want to have.

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Hey whatfor,


Seems like there is an awful lot of stress in your life. I can imagine you lose the oversight in life, and the feeling of control. I think sometimes we have to accept uncertainties to just be there, and accept that life can completely change in a matter of seconds. My life did, and it changed my perspective completely. In times like you describe, I have found it helpful to have a number of things in my life that are always there. For instance, I practice capoeira at least once a week, and preferrably twice. Performing a kind of sports, and even better a kind of martial arts can give you back the feeling of control. If I am really stressed out, I go for a swim or walk. It helps me getting back to normal.


I think you can't force yourself to take things easy. However, you can do things in life to change the perspective on those things. Don't stay stuck in the spiralling thoughts of insecurity, and add a structure to your life that is not based on something with a 'high insecurity level'. You relationship causes you trouble due to distance. School and work will always have some element of stress in it because you feel you have to prove yourself over and over again. So do something for yourself that is not like that, like sports. I found swimming matches too stressful, which is why I took up capoeira, where we have little to no 'matches'. Just find something that you know will give you back the sense of yourself. Mostly when we lose control, what we in fact do is getting out of touch with who we are.



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Hello There


We all have an amount of stress in our day, thats very normal. It'd how you handle the stress that is important. If your tired all the time and are having a really hard time getting motivated and it sounds like you are. I suggest you see a doctor and get something just for a bit too get you back on your feet again. The world is on medication because it works, they have invented some great legal drugs in todays modern society to help you do that. Tell your doctor the truth and what you're going through thats what your paying them for. Feeling insecure is another factor that plays havoc with us all at times and is very normal. Especially if your bank account is not up to snuff just yet, and if we are leaning on someone else for money support. Well it can sometimes make our emotions even more intense and make us even more insecure. I suggest you try not reading anything into all of this and just go with the flow for at least right now. Like I said at least until you can get back to being you. And on a final note, if you knew what the future had in store (and you really don't right now) it would more then likely be so overwhelming any of us could not handle it. So for now, slow down, think, think about you, think about getting out of the mild depression you may now be in right now. And set an appointment with a doctor. After it is all said and done, you will thank youself for doing that for you.


Take care of you first, then worry about someone else. You have a life to live, start living it again. Good Luck !


Warm Regards


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Taking life easy is taking it as it comes. You do not need to learn how to make (take) it easy, you learn to stop making (taking) it hard.


Making it hard is making it (life) into a difficulty, a problem. Taking (making) it easy is not doing this.


If you see a difficulty, a problem, it is of your own making. The problem is made of your own problematic thinking. The problem is the problematic thinking.


There is no need to stop thinking: just see that making things into problems is problematic thinking.

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