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Well, me and my gf have been together for about 1 year 7 months on and off a few times recently but everything seemed good until i noticed she talked to this one guy a little to much then she tells me he kissed her and i shook it off and moved on but now i find out she has been talking to him way more than she does even me and saying all kinds of crazy things like breaking up with me to have a fling with him and all this other crazy stuff but i love the girl to death and dont know what i should do...she has a tendency to get caught up in other guy's game really easy and it's just happening again but i dont want to end up breaking up over this bs.

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What do you mean you don't want to break up over this, you SHOULD break up over this!


She is being extremely selfish and callous with your feelings - not only was kissing crossing the line, but rubbing it in your face and talking of breaking it off to be with him is past cruelty.


Don't make excuses for her, she knows FULL well what she is doing and is willingly getting "caught up". You deserve better...don't let someone treat you this way. It's not worth it...you may love her, but she is not showing much love for you by behaving this way.

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woahhh man sorry but this seems pretty serious. and i wouldnt call this silly bs. cmon the fact that she told you they kissed and stuff like that (i talk partly from feelinsg i have exerpienced here ok) and shes starting to feel as if this isnt any form of cheating, trying to justify it because its so open. she gets caught up in other guys games?? this girl seems to want some time off...i think you should give her some space tell her that shes clearly confused and that you guys hsould breakup. let her find herself and if she relaly wants to be with you when shes ready to call you up. if you're still interested...then maybe you guys can pick up. i know this relationship is serious and its hard to give it up too easily but this is pretty whack!

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i agree totally but its so hard to break up with her...we have broken up in the past and went our separate ways for a month or so and then come back together but it's only good for about a month before * * * * starts happening again


Well that's a pretty good indication that you really need to make sure when things end they are final...you already know from past experiences she feels no remorse and won't change (no matter what she says).


Don't allow yourself to be treated as a doormat, you deserve better.

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