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I just wanted to know if any ex girlfriends have gotten back together with their boyfriends and how long did it take?


Or maybe you didn't get back together but have been friends with benefits for a long time.


I also wanted to know if your still attracted to your ex boyfriends and if you still have positive feelings for them.


The last thing that I want to ask is how many times a day or week or whatever do you talk on the phone or have some sort of contact.


Thank you!

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I personally have never gotten back with an ex boyfriend...although i almost did twice (different boyfriends). I have this one ex i used to call up about a few times a week...now i call him every once in awhile, just to catch up and say hi, he'll call me a few times.


He and i are better friends than we were dating each other. We still hang out from time to time...but not often.


I don't like him in a romantic way anymore, though i used to and it took me a long time to get over him. And i know he still likes me and wants to have friends with benefits with me. But there is a rule out there: Never Have Sex With Your Ex! Trust me it will make you feel better. But whatever you choose that is ultimately up to you. The choice is yours.


The only reason i do not get back with this particular ex is b/c he is desperate for sex...he once told me, "I'll take anything i can get." [in regards to sex]. And i am better than that. So i told him no, if he's really that desperate, he can get a you know what.


I hope this helps!


Good luck!

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Hi there! Good morning to you....

lets see, I have been friends with my ex for a year. We did not get back with one another because when we slpit we knew it was the right thing to do. We never did the benefits thing, for me that would have been way to difficult in the emotional sense. And yes we are very close, i would say close to being best friends...we help eachother all we can, talk about what is going on...and we talk prob 4 times a week, see eachother maybe one time a month for lunch or so I can play with our dogs...

I have learned that if I did want to be in the realtionship, this route would have taken us back there, our bond is stronger now than it ever was. (But alas, I have not desire too...)

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Sex with my ex was GOOD. She said I was the best and wanted to stay friends with benefits after the breakup. The problem was I was still in love with her and I couldn't. I WANTED to, let me tell you, but all that would happen is that I would have stayed in love and extended my suffering. So maybe some day in the future when I'm not in love with her, I might get the offer again but I don't suggest it unless there are no emotions involved.

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I got back together with my ex in January and we had broken up in September of 2001, but still stayed friends, sometimes with benefits. We've been together ever since, going on six months soon. The guy I left him for and I are still friends as well, and strangely, they are friends too. That guy and I talk about every week or so just to catch up on what's happened and what not.

I think how a relationship started and how it ended are two very key factors in determining what kind of relationship a couple can expect to have post breakup. I have a very very bad relationship with one of exes and we've tried to get back together, but we weren't really friends before we dated and we broke up on reallly bad terms(I wanted it, he didn't and he still hasn't moved on). However my last break up ended on terms that we couldn't control(my mom died and I knew my place was here at home) so we have stayed friends and there are no hard feelings. Hope this helped!

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I have never gotten back with an ex once it was over it was over. Actually I was with my ex once after we broke up but that was it. I am currently in a situation where I was seeing someone but he has a wacky ex and now we are just friends. It is hard to have friends with benefits because one of you is really hopping for it to change back to the way it was and that is getting your feelings in the way and may cause more pain further down the road. I have an ex from 6 yrs ago we are just friends although we always flirt on the phone and I talk to him almost once a day or get a voicemail from him......we will never be together but someimtes it is nice to know that someone is thinking about you.

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Well judging from the response, you can see that the answer here really lies with the individual and the situation. I've had ex's that I've slept with after we broke up (It was some great sex btw) There was some lingering feelings for both of us in on instance. It was a little difficult.


I would most likely not sleep with my most recent ex due to so much betrayal and hurt feelings. It really depends on the situation. If you were going to start falling for the other person again, I would advise against it.


Depending on how situation surrounding the break-up and the aftermath, any answer could be right. Only you know the situation and the feelings that would be evolved.


One thing I know for sure is. Sleeping with an Ex is akin to traversing a political mind field. Be wary, be careful and beware what is really going on. Sex with the ex can be great (i.e. familiar, comfortable and enjoyable) it can also be devastating if feelings get mixed in. Tread lightly.

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