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alright. so... my gf just recently broke up with me because she thought i didnt like her as much as i really do... Im the kind of person thats hard to read and will hold alot inside. How can i show her i really do like her. i told her how much i really liked her for the first time when she broke up with me but i know she still has feelings for me. How can i get her back? I just love her so much and i feel so bad that i didnt show her i did.

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hey. well she obviously felt quite strongly about this. did she bring this up before? if not this could simply be a nice excuse...because she shouldnt break up with you if she didnt inform you of how she was feeling earlier and given you a chance to make an impression. if she did and she did break up with you maybe she simply is demanding when it comes to a relationship, maybe you're not ready for a relationship. i really dont know the answer, but you need to take a realistic look at the situation. were you really showing her no care or appreciation? if you werent despite the fact you really like her im going to assume you arent ready for a relationsihp. i need more details to assess it honestly, the only thing i can say right now is that if you want to get her back do something romantic and sweet to show her you care. if you cant bring yourself to do that because you dont "show yourself" then...you need a girl who will understand this because this girl is clearly not going to accept that

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its not that im showing NO EMOTIONS its just shes getting the impression that im not intrested in her even though i am. its just because i dont make it obvious that im intrested in her,.. which i guess i should because im realllly shy and i DO talk to her just im afraid to say the simple words i love you .

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alright. so... my gf just recently broke up with me because she thought i didnt like her as much as i really do... Im the kind of person thats hard to read and will hold alot inside. How can i show her i really do like her. i told her how much i really liked her for the first time when she broke up with me but i know she still has feelings for me. How can i get her back? I just love her so much and i feel so bad that i didnt show her i did.


This is the story of my life man...


You've got to lay it out there. Tell her what you told us about yourself. Tell her you need to work on this and needed time away from her to see it. Ask her for another chance. Tell her you know you can do better...then go ahead and do better... If she still has feelings for you, chances are she'll say "Yes"...

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Maybe you should give it an honest try. If she is unwilling however, don't push. Don't keep at it. That may scare her and drive her away forever.


But like someone already said, I suggest a nice, romantic, heartful, thoughtful, creative, gesture. Something you know she likes and will appreciate, maybe something she's always asked for but you've never done before. Good luck dude, let us know how it goes!!

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You need to give her some time. Dont call her for a few days. Reconsider your own feelings and try to accept the fact that she may not come back. After a few days give her a call to tell her how you really feel. If she still says no you should not call her anymore. However, she may notice how you really feel.


On a side note, You cannot make a person like you. You can only change yourself.

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Thanks for the advice guys!, but heres the thing when she broke up with me i told her how much i really loved her and i told her that i was always thinking about her, then she said I really didnt know you liked me that much. What can this mean? so next time should i just ask her for another chance? And when she gives me that other chance i should be more outgoing / tell her i love her more often. I really dont want to lose her because we were such a good match, we got along great and we were always laughing and playing with eachother. I know she feels the same way, if only i would of showed how much i really liked her. Im so dumb.

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yea... i miss her so much. i know im probably over exaderating but i cant help it.. she was teh world to me.. i would of done anything to get her back. if only i would of showed her how much i liked her when we were together. i was thinking to tell her something like this. i wish we were back together again, im sorry if i ignored you and didnt talk to you much about how i felt about you, Do you think you could give me another chance? tell me what u think about this.. i dont know if this is what i should tell her or not. Please respond!

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Thanks for the advice guys!, but heres the thing when she broke up with me i told her how much i really loved her and i told her that i was always thinking about her, then she said I really didnt know you liked me that much. What can this mean? so next time should i just ask her for another chance? And when she gives me that other chance i should be more outgoing / tell her i love her more often. I really dont want to lose her because we were such a good match, we got along great and we were always laughing and playing with eachother. I know she feels the same way, if only i would of showed how much i really liked her. Im so dumb.


Go talk to her, I think you've got a good chance of patching this up...


Yes ask for another chance and tell her the stuff you told us...

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ok, thanks guys! you really helped me out.. now i dont feel so hopeless. Well i hope this works, im going to see her either today or tomarow because even though we broke up we are still friends, ill talk to her today or tomarow and ill post what she tells me back. Thanks once again!

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