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to me he has my virginity

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To be fair, if he is raised in a culture in which this is important to him, then it means a lot to him and he shouldn't be put down because of it. Do I think he should view this as such a big deal? No. I don't expect a girl to be a virgin should I ever actually have sex, and if she says she is, I respect and trust her. But putting myself in this guys shoes, I can see why he would be upset. Taking a persons virginity is a special thing, it says that they love you enough to trust themselves more intimately with you then they have with anyone else. If a person grows up believing that this is something sacred, it'll be taken more seriously then others would expect. Same idea applies in a number of circumstances. For example, Christians believe that communion is the body and blood of christ. To outsiders, its just a piece of bread and grape juice.


There is also the issue of feeling lied to. He was told she was a virgin, but through a misunderstanding, believes she wasn't honest. That is what hurts. Though he should be more understanding and willing to listen to reason.

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Lil R, if you read this here's some information for you.




The presense or absense of a hymen in no way indicates a girl's virginal state. No one can determine by physical examination alone whether a woman or teen has engaged in vaginal intercourse. Only about 50% of teens and women experience bleeding the first time they have intercourse, so blood stained bed sheets are not a reliable indicator of prior virginity. The hymen of some women tear on more than one occasion. There are even hymen that are elastic enough to permit a penis to enter without tearing, or tear only partially. This is usually true only if the dilation first occurs very gradually with fingers or other objects over an extended period of time. is a spiritual attribute, not a physical one.

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