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hey everyone,


for many years i went to the doctors about really really really bad period pain, before, during and after my period. each doctor always said something about endometriosis and that i might have it, but they dont think so because i was to young.


well, ive being doing some reasearch now, and here are some signs of endometriosis


Pain may be felt:

• before/during/after menstruation

• during ovulation

• in the bowel during menstruation

• when passing urine

• during or after sexual intercourse

• in the lower back region


Other symptoms may include:

• diarrhoea or constipation (in particular in connection with menstruation)

• abdominal bloating (again, in connection with menstruation)

• heavy or irregular bleeding

• fatigue


now, the thing is, i have every singal one of this sympton except one!!!!


im to scared to talk to my mum, and she would find out if i went to the doctors...


do u think i have it, and what should i do???

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I think you should talk to your Mother and get her to go to the doctors with you. If you have got it it needs sorting out as soon as possible. My friend had it and she's been struggling to get pregnant for years. Finally she has!


Please get help soon.


Good luck and take care.

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I truly think you should explain to your mother what you are continuing to go through. Seeing a doctor as soon as you can ,to diagnose your problem will be to your benefit. There shouldnt be any reason to be afraid to approach your mom about it. I am sure she will be concerned and will go with you to the doctors as well. Take care, I hope the best for you.

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My boss at work has this, and she went through a lot of pain with it. She's been through surgery twice once when she was 15 and now she's in her 20's. it can possibly keep her from having kids in the future depending on how serious it gets. She recently became pregnant b.c. she probably won't be able to later. endometrosis can turn into a real problem if you don't get checked out by a doctor. I know that my boss has had a lot of pain all her life and has been in and out of the hospital. Maybe she just has a severe case but I know it has caused her a lot of problems and I think you should go to the dr. and see what they think.

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There have been a lot of changes in the pill since I was on it, but when I was a teen having very horrible debilitating menstrual cramps, I was put on the pill, but not for prevention of pregnancy. It was then used as a common remedy for calming the menstrual cramps, and it got rid of mine completely... a very huge miracle as far as I was concerned.


If you're on the pill, then you're already seeing a doctor? So why aren't you able to discuss your concerns with him/her?

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Well then, are you more afraid of how you will handle it if it turns out you have a serious problem? If so, I really understand that kind of paralyzing fear. But I'm sure you already know that not discussing it with your doctor isn't going to make it magically go away. And also, there could be other less serious explanations for your pain. And there may be simple solutions... you might be suffering needlessly.


And if your fear is that powerful, it's probably more related to excessive anxiety. If this has more to do with extreme anxiety, there may be ways to address that problem as well so you can still get the medical help you need. Is there anyone who you trust who would discuss this in a compassionate way with you? A school counselor, a school nurse? A best friend? A sympathetic family member who would respect your need for privacy? Is there someone who would be willing to offer you emotional support, give you reassurance, maybe go to the doctor with you? I know that parents aren't automatically the most comforting and supportive people, but I wonder how is your relationship with your mother? Do you fear how she will handle this? Or are you afraid to burden her?

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I can understand your being scared of something serious. However the sooner you find out what is going on the better off you will be. I have been through many scary doctor visits, and its normal to be worried and afraid sometimes. Please get yourself checked out and it will help alleviate your worries about whats going on.

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Why are you afraid your mother will know, endometriosis is a serious condition, and there is no reason you should be afraid to see your doctor about it, whether or not your mother knows!


I don't know why you can't tell your mother, you are having pain, you are concerned it is more serious and want to get it checked out? If you had a broken arm would you be afraid? No...so do it! Nothing you DID brought this on, some women just end up with it.


It can be quite serious in that it can cause scarring, infections, infertility, and so forth.


I have a friend whom has it, and has actually had to have three surgeries, but she is now on the pill which has eased the pain a lot. The pill gives you "false periods", so you don't actually build up as much lining as you do without it, so there is less lining being built on your organs (which causes the pain).


The fact is, if you DON'T go, the condition does not go away on it's own. If you DO, and it does turn out to be more serious, there ARE things they can do to reduce the symptoms and risks.

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i just dont want to burden my mum, we have a great relationship and we do like everything together. but one of the symptions is painful sex, and i dont want her to know about that. that and she already has enough to worry about with other things.


i have spoken to a friend, he has a medical degree, and i asked him what he knew about it. and then he started asking questions as to why i was asking him... and he finally got it out of me, and i told him that i have all the symptons for it. so he wants to take me to the doctors... but i dont know... it just seems scary to go for something like this..


it could just be nothing! and if it is, i would look like an idiot going to the doctors and complaining. i dont know, i just dont want to course trouble.

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Um...that is what doctors are FOR, to diagnose you with things you have - complaints and ailments. You are an adult and need to take responsibility for things like this.


It COULD be nothing, but it COULD be something. Without treatment, it could lead to scarring which can be even MORE painful, and can also cause infertility.


Better to be safe, rather then sorry.


Your mum does not have to know you are having "painful sex". Just tell her your cramps are absolutely horrible, you are having heavy bleeding, and want to get it checked out. Let her know you did some reading on endiometrosis, remembered your doctors telling you before you MAY have it and you want to rule it out.

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Things like this are exactly what doctors are for. Their job is to care for their patients and ensure their health. If you have a problem, the doctor will want you to come in so he can help you. And he would want you to come in soon so that things don't get any worse. If it turns out to be nothing, then at least you will know for sure. It would be nothing to be embarrassed about, the doctor has probably experienced numerous false alarms and won't think anything of it.


I can understand not wanting to burden your mom or mention topics like painful sex. That isn't the topic you want to be having with parents. But if there is the possibility that you could have something, your mom would want to know. She would want to be there for you. You don't have to tell her though. You can go to the doctor on your own or with your friend. The important thing is that you treat this seriously and see someone. Going to a doctor isn't as much trouble as the potential consequences if you don't. For your own health and safety, please see a doctor.

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it could just be nothing! and if it is, i would look like an idiot going to the doctors and complaining.

To reiterate what the others have already said... doctors are not concerned with judging you, and they will not regard you as an idiot if it turns out to be something less serious. Their job and their life's work is to take care of us. They are not in that profession so they can judge us for being idiots. We all go to doctors with our problems, and sometimes our problems turn out to be not as serious as we first thought. But the result is not that you will be judged an idiot for that.


If we look at all the pieces...

1)You are in pain and discomfort...

2)Your doctor has previously mentioned endometriosis as a possibility...

3)You've researched and can also see that you have all of the symptoms.

4)Your friend (with the medical degree) wants to also take you in to be examined for this.


So, aren't all the clues coming together to indicate that it's time for you to make that trip to visit with your doctor? In fact, when you look at all the facts, it would actually be very logical and smart to go to the doctor to get this checked out. And it would be very UNwise to disregard all the obvious clues. And it would be unwise to let fear overrule your good sense. And it would be unwise to suffer longer than necessary. And it would be unwise to think of yourself as an idiot for doing the logical thing.


And you're an adult now so your mother doesn't need to know any more than what you tell her. Your doctor is required to keep your medical information private, even from your mother. You can even ask him/her about that again so s/he can reassure you.


i dont know, i just dont want to course trouble.

Doctors spend LOTS of hours and intense effort studying and training for exactly this kind of "trouble" you've described. Do you intend to deprive them of the opportunity to put all that good training to use? Besides, you (or your insurance company) is compensating them for their "trouble." It's really not a burden for them to care for the sick.

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