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first boyfriend ever met in high school junior year - together for 2 years, split for 1 week, together again for six months, split for 1 week, then together for another 5 years, then ended for good


boyfriend who I dated right after I graduated college, together for 1 month, split for 3 months, back together for one 4 day trip the split after that

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  • 5 months later...

Ummm we'd been dating about a month, and she broke it off... for like 6 hours. Called back and apologized. I didn't care one way or the other, and should have been the bigger man and cut her loose for good. Dated another month and a half and I broke it off. We both knew it was coming.


In my current situation we've been together 4 months and she broke it off. NC for three weeks now.

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Yes together broke up after 6 months then got back together after a year for 6 month.


Same guy I got back together another after another year for a month...


Now I am back with the same guy after 5 months... seeing eachother casually and hoping that the slow pace will produce a lasting relationship this time round...

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