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If she just said 'KISS ME' Id be fine!

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hey everyone.


As the title says, if I was told to 'KISS ME' I'm sure I wouldnt have the nerves even a little bit!

But I can walk along, and think to myself, gez, i should be kissing her at the moment, or waving her off home, and thinking gez i should be kissing her now...


My point is, i'm really nervous about 'just doing it'. what if she doesnt want it? How do I know if she wants to be kissed?

and what do I say if she says, what the hell are you doing!?


help would be great..

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Have a little confidence in your self and go for it and about you not knowing just relax and go with the flow and with practice it can only get better. Oh and just a little tip as a female I can tell you there is nothing like soft lips so do your best to keep them up, I know it sounds crazy but trust me its nothing worst than dry chapped lips.

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Arg do I ever know what you mean! It's so much harder to psyche yourself into it than it is to actually go for it. What you have to do is almost not think about what you're doing and tell yourself you're not actually doing it until you're actually into it That seemed to work for me. Basically just trick yourself into thinking you aren't doing it until you actually are haha.

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What you have to do is almost not think about what you're doing and tell yourself you're not actually doing it until you're actually into it


Someone has learned well. That's exactly right.


The biggest obstacle to kissing is convincing yourself to go for it. So don't convince yourself. Don't think about it. Just enjoy being around her and get lost in what you are doing. As for knowing she wants it, go with the feeling. There is a moment where you look at each other and just know. At that point, stop thinking and live in the moment. Don't think about kissing, kiss. I wanted to kiss a girl so bad, and I knew she wanted it too. But I kept thinking about it and letting my fears and nerves get the better of me. Then I stopped thinking about it and just enjoyed the time we were spending together. And then next thing I know, I was kissing her. If it can work for me, it can work for anyone.

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to get a dreamgirl, you simply have to have the dreams. As you dream about your girl you must train your mind to only think about her. you must also only think of how your life could actually be better by simply knowing her. If you are really wanting a dreamgirl, then she will be someone worth dedicating your life to and worth dying for. then comes the hard part. a dreamgirl will live in your heart and be there for you if you only can believe, until she shows up in reality. you must not be worried about doing anything until you know for certain you have found her, and when you think you have found her you must always treat her as if she may decide you are not her dream man, so that she can know you respect her. when she feels respected, then she is free to become the material dreams are made of, and you both can wait until your dreams are fufilled.

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hey guys,


some people isn't just kissing. They put a lot of thought and emotion into it. When you do it, its like there is no going back and you have left yourself vulnerable. You are expressing just how much you care for the person, and if you find out she doesn't feel the same, that can crush you.


Got it in one shysoul...just in a different thread! mainly this:

You are expressing just how much you care for the person, and if you find out she doesn't feel the same, that can crush you.

Its all great advice...i'll sure give it ago...don't think, just do!


I'll see if that works,

thanks again!

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Cool. All my posts on kissing has actually paid off! I knew if I posted it enough times, it would pay off for someone!


Just kidding. Glad to be of service dream flyer. If you ever need anything else, I'm here. Enjoy the kisses. Once you start, you'll wonder why you ever hesitated.

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