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What could this dream mean?

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I know this isn't a dream interpretation site(specifically), but I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out this dream...


Well, last night I had a dream about cats.


I woke up and went into the dining room. It looked exactly the same way it always does(a very important detail, because that is the first time I've ever seen my house look exactly the same in a dream), except for a flowery quilt attached to the ceiling(where the chandelier usually is). Anyway, all of a sudden, a little cat bursts through the quilt(revealing a round hole in the ceiling) and jumps onto the table. He(or she)just looks at me and meows, before jumping back through the hole in the roof. Shortly after a second cat jumps down and does the same exact thing...

However, the dream shifts when a white cat jumps down from the hole.


Automatically, I know to fear this cat. It looks a bit mangy and something tells me that it has rabies. I turn around and run, and the cat gives chase. It is trying to bite and scratch me, but I outrun it. I finally willed myself to wake up...


It made absolutely no sense because I love animals: especially dogs and cats(I own a dog, and I kept a kitten for two weeks before taking her to the SPCA)...


Anyway, I started looking around online for what it could have possibly meant, then I saw a webpage in which one particular chatter also dreamt of angry cats...

I took the liberty of quoting the question and response...



I recently dreamed that I was in my mother house (she is 85) when a bunch of angry cats came in and were running around in an apparent heat run.

However, in the middle of the scurry they were tearing at a small lap dog.

Two years ago in April my father died and in December the same year my mother's cat died trying to give birth. The cat was full grown but small in statue.

My mother is lonely now and I am being advised to get her a cat as a companion.

CM, female


This dream is about you, the dreamer. Your subconscious mind is giving you a message about the state of your awareness. This message concerns how habitual ways of thinking (cats and dog) about your own inner authority are disrupting your sense of spirituality. You'll need to decide just what the dream is referring to. It could be you are being stimulated by events in your life to review your religious/spiritual beliefs or it could be you are realizing your spiritual ideals are not your own but something you accepted long ago. Something like that. It might help to bring your ideas into the present day, to give more thought to how your spirituality serves you and others.


The response really resonated with me. I am going through alot right now in terms of my sprituality and everything.

I don't want to give too many details because I would like to see what other interpretations are.

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i dream everynight and can remember them all, i know some stuff about dream meaning so hope this helps,

to dream of a cat for a cat lover signfies an inderpendant sprit, femmine sexualty and power, however if the cat is aggressive it surgests that you are having problems with your femmine aspect of yourself, to see a white cat in your dream means that you are going through difficult times.

also remember that whatever you see in the day can also influnce your dreams at night, YOU may not notice it, but your suconseness does.

blu x

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Well there are a bunch of cats that are around our neighborhood. They are all strays and it is apparently mating season...And a few weeks ago I cared for a small stray kitten(before taking her to the SPCA for adoption)...That could be it. However, none of them were white cats.


And I sorta am thinking about alot of things right now, and that interpretation does make more sense to me...

I've always grappled with the "feminine" aspect of myself due to my sexuality(I'm gay)...I tried looking up definitions but everything about cats in dreams has been so broad, and my most vivid dreams have been about felines.


Edit: I just checked a dream website and it said: "The color WHITE is symbolic of purity and truth...It means that change is impending."


"Three(three cats)is spiritual in nature: The father, the son, and the holy spirity."


Maybe this is symbolic of me trying to reconcile my faith and sexuality(which might be deemed as "feminine" by some)?



Three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, and self-exploration. Three stands for trilogy as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child, etc.


White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life. However, in Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.


Those are other interpretations that I got off websites.

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