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should i call him?

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so i had been going out with this guy for nearly 4 years...he recently came back from an overseas trip and a few days later he broke up with me...(about a week ago)...i guess i was ok with the breakup ie not that upset bc i sort of wanted to break up with him anyway..the thing is i was very upset and angry that he had to break up with me over the phone...can u believe it...i mean did i not mean anything to him...i feel like he didnt care about me at all...and when we did break up he said he wanted to be friends and i told him i wasnt sure what i wanted bc of how he broke up with me....i felt that he shouldnt of done that to me, i feel like ive lost a little respect for him and maybe he wasnt worth it anyway...

i wrote him an email telling how i felt after a few days and told him that i did want to be friends with him, that i couldnt imagine him cut out of my life, i mean he knows me too well...

so its been just over a week now and i feel like i should call him...im afraid that i will bump into him this weekend and seeing and talking to him for the first time since the break up will be odd....so should i wait for him to call?? or should i call him???

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Sorry to hear about your story. Why do you want to call him? Don't wait for him to call you either. If there is anything of him that you need to return, mail it. I think you should spend time to summarize what went wrong, learn from it and move on. It will take some time before you can be friend with him again (if you wish), but certainly not after only a week.

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Give you a hug first since I am in the similar situation, but the difference is that we broke up because of that I did not treat my gf the ways she deserved. We had been together for 21 months, not as long as you, thus, I understand that it is so hard for you right now.

Many people in this forum will ask you don’t call him, he will call you if he want you back, move on with your life and so on…..Yes, in some point, they are correct, and I am sure that all of them are nice people who have been through this before. Nonetheless, DON’T just simply take other people’s advices, they are not you! Relationship is very complicated and you have you hand it by yourself. You have been together with him for four years, he must be very sad as well at the moment unless he is not a human.

What am I trying to tell you is that FOLLOW YOUR HEART. If you want to talk to him, then talk to him, but make sure you give each other some time to think about the relationship before you talk to him. What if you are waiting for his call and he is waiting for your call, and at the end, none of you called. So, follow your heart.

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  • 3 weeks later...

if only all men were as smart as you... no sarcasm intended, about realising that you did not treat your GF right.


When a girl gives her heart she will go out of her way to please her guy. In my case i did but the guy just kept taking.. and to be quite honest he is the type to never feel that he treated me bad... to top all he even got to dump me four times... i guess i deserved it...


Yes you should follow your heart... but realise as much as you care for the other person you cant force them to feel the same for you.... i tried three time to get back and i did. The forth time i refused to beg any more cause his treatment was getting worse and worse towards me every time we got together back again.... I love him still and it wont take more then one phone call from him for me to be back with him but then again he has to be man enough to realise that i have my faults but love is about over looking the bad like i did for him and still do...

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the last 2 posts were great advice.always follow your heart.

NC is actually a tool so that you dont look needy and it can work. sometimes the best thing you can do is give the gift of missing you.

let them see what life is like without you. it can work, but it can also backfire...that's love you take a risk everytime you give your heart out.

i know what you mean about going back and forth, i always took my ex back. finally i said enough, we dont deserve to be treated this way. being dumped by phone is bad, i got dumped via text...so it sucks.

follow your heart...id advise to lay back, not call, but it is your life, and if you feel he's worth fighting for then do it

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the last 2 posts were great advice.always follow your heart.

NC is actually a tool so that you dont look needy and it can work. sometimes the best thing you can do is give the gift of missing you.

let them see what life is like without you. it can work, but it can also backfire...that's love you take a risk everytime you give your heart out.

i know what you mean about going back and forth, i always took my ex back. finally i said enough, we dont deserve to be treated this way. being dumped by phone is bad, i got dumped via text...so it sucks.

follow your heart...id advise to lay back, not call, but it is your life, and if you feel he's worth fighting for then do it

' i got dumped via text...so it sucks. '


Well you got some kind of notice as to the fact that you were being dumped... not that is a good thing either but I got NC from him everytime he was close to dumping and then i would see him signed on link removed tooo... I guess thats why i have not begged him to take me back again.. he cant say it on my face that he doesnt want to make it work...

You can love them but you cant force them to love you back.... all the time he was saying he loved me and wanted to get married... i truly believe he just had a crush on me and didnt know the difference.... and the reason i believe i was begged was cause he was my first love... sadly with all this i still wish his love for me was true... and not a season

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