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my story begins in the 3rd grade when i met my friend and we have been friends ever sense and like we were seprated after 4th grade cause he moved but just this year he came back and at the beggining of the year he asked me out and things got weird....... after a while we started hanging out again and we became really good friends and its like he was like the coolest persone ever, but then i started dating this guys so we drifted apart once again and never really talked...... after a month or so my boyfriend broke up with me and i started hanging out with other people, and he stay with the same people, (not ex boyfriend)

at the end of the school year we started hanging out more once again and got close again but then school ended and he had a party and i went nothing happened but a week later he left for greece and now he is back, and now yesterday before he went i found out he OD on oxycotton and had to go to the hospital.... i was in shock and didnt know what to say and finally i asked him why, he said "no one loves me and no one ever will!" i still didnt know really what to say but i told him i loved him and he asked really and i said yes. after a while he said he has been in love with me ever sense he saw me the first time ....

now i am confused and dont know what to do, i dont wanna ruin our friendship and neither does he. does and one have any advice.....

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Dear melissax, you should know that a lot of people put on masks when exposed to the public. I myself am one of them. I'm this happy person with a bright, face, witty remarks, charm and smiles. But as you can see I've been on this forum and usually post about depression and stress. You can continue your friendship with him as the coolest person ever, or be the love of his life. Although be prepared to have either of two things to happen. You'll be the love of his life and the source of is joy, or, you'll get dragged down with him and find him to be a very different person. To be safe, you two should make a pact to stay the bestest of friends no matter what. Swear on it and do a little something special to remind each other. I'm sure you'll make the right decision. Goodluck Mel.

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Well he probably has alot of problems in his life that you are not aware of because you guys have drifted apart. He confessed the way he feels about you and you have to make sure to be sensitive to his feelings because he is going through difficult times. I think you should first try to help him with things in his life and let him talk to you about them, because it seems like he had no one he can trust to talk to. Just don't make yourself "like" him more than a friend unless you are comfortable with it,and you truly feel love for him in that way. You guys should also promise to stay best friends whatever happens.

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