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how do i get the X off my back?

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okay, i had a relationship with this guy for about a year and a half. it ended with me braking it off and then two days lata i got with this new guy. now he has been mad at me ever since and everytime we get together we fight. i dont know how to stop our comuntication for good, i am still physicaly attracted to him but not emotionaly. please help.

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Okay, first of all if you are in a negative relationship you need to end it or correct it. I'm assuming that your Ex is feeling to much pain and hurt to correct your relationships, let alone the fact that he is feeling a sense of betrayal.


Let me explain something to you. When you start dating a new guy 2 days after you dump your Ex this is what it translates to him. "She never really cared about me, because she got over me so quickly. Or, she was cheating on me and had a guy set up already. Or, she's a Sl&t who goes from guy to guy."


I'm sure you can understand this. He is probably feeling the heartbreak of the relationship and feels that you don't care about him or your feelings so naturally he will feel upset. If you do care about him at all. Tell him once and for all, that you do care, but that your relationship has come to an end. Let him know why you moved on. Then cut ties with him. Tell him to write you a letter in 2 months, if he wants to still talk to you then you will. This will allow him time to work out his anger and negative feelings for you. It will also get him off your back.


One last thing you might want to ask yourself. Why did you jump into a new relationship so quickly? Rebounding is never a good idea and has a tendency to bit you in the butt. If that's what is going on, you should take a hard look at yourself, you can't grow if you don't reflect. I hope this helps.

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