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woo hoo , more good news

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Got approval on the new house today.


Pick up keys on Wednesday and move in Thursday so I now have a stable home for me and the kids.


My daughter will be very happy to have her own room again.


Kids have still had no contact from the ex wife though which is a bit upsetting for them.

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That is fantastic! This woman unfortunately will rear her ugly head again, hopefully sooner tha later as children don't ever seem to forgive or forget if they feel abandoned and hurt.


You seem like a great dad and you can provide your children with the love and stabilty that they require through this harsh time.


Just off the topic, are you going to get some counselling for your 12 year old?

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That is fantastic! This woman unfortunately will rear her ugly head again, hopefully sooner tha later as children don't ever seem to forgive or forget if they feel abandoned and hurt.


You seem like a great dad and you can provide your children with the love and stabilty that they require through this harsh time.


Just off the topic, are you going to get some counselling for your 12 year old?


Yes that's the first thing I did was to organise counselling for her. I'm going as well and I gotta say it's really been helping me.


Have to say my 3 year old has really settled in this last week, he was a very angry little boy and in the last few days he's like a different boy, full of laughter and hugging anyone and everyone, it's really great to see him happy again.


I still don't get why she isn't trying to contact the kids though

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SheI still don't get why she isn't trying to contact the kids though


She is selfish, and nobody else matters in her life except her, if I had kids, like you, they would be my number one priority!


Don't worry about her, she hasn't realise the consequences of her actions yet, when she does, it will probably be too late.


Don't worry about her, worry about the fantastic future you and your kids have in front of you.

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