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My Ex hasn't talked about our break up to anyone

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Hi there;


I just had lunch with a good friend that I met through my ex-bf. Even though we are no longer together and haven't had any contact for over 2 months (we broke up in mid-September), I am still able to maintain friendships with ppl I have met through him.


The one thing that baffles me is the fact that he hasn't talked about the relationship and the result of our break up to ANYONE. Everyone in his circle have been telling me that he made a mistake in ending the relationship. They felt we were well-suited for each other. Even his mother is sad about us parting ways, and she doesn't know what happened. He never mentions me or anything along that nature to them. However, when he broke up with his son's mother, he would always talk about it. I wonder what is different (of course I can't read his mind) compared to that break up and ours?


We had a great relationship and everyone accepted me right away. Could it be the fact that people did not agree with his decision to end the relationship that he hasn't talked about it with them? I don't know, I just find it strange. Has anyone done this? Or any opinions? I still care for him and have grown from the experience both spiritually and emotionally.


Thoughts? Opinions?

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I find myself doing the same thing I think you are... looking for any and every possible sign that the relationship is not REALLY over. I keep reminding myself it does not matter what she is THINKING or DOING. Oh boy is it hard. It is the only way I think to really heal.

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After being away from him for awhile, I see that the breakup was a good thing. I have felt so lost for so long that I didn't know how to find "ME". Being in a relationship amplified those thoughts and feelings. When we broke up, I made myself face the issues and deal with them once and for all. I learned so much in such a short timeframe (i really set my mind to it). So I am thankful for that...I was able to see how much my disbeliefs ruled me. And now I am turning that around.


I still miss and think about him alot. I have gotten over the worst part of our break-up and feeling more optimistic now. I guess I was hoping to see if him talking about us will give any indication that his thoughts and feelings for me are still there. So to hear that he avoids the subject with others, just maybe me wonder.

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