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friend with drug problem

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Hi upset_confused. Welcome to enotalone!


I once had a friend with a drug problem. You can't expect to help your friend alone. What you can do however- is support your friend by helping him to find substance-abuse counseling in your area. Your role is not to cure your friend- but your role is one of SUPPORT. You can help him find the professional assistance he needs- go to appointments with him, etc.


But don't put the weight of his problems solely on your shoulders, because that is just too much for one person to take. Be an advocate for him- but make him realize that he has to seek professional help.



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I'm in a blunt mood today - so I will won't waste your eyesight with reading a long list of resources and things you can do to help.


I think it's admirable that you want to help. That compassion is a credit to your character - and lacking in the world nowadays...


Anyway, my point is - you cannot help him. You can support and be there for him, but you cannot take the burden of withdrawal for him.

Direct him to the necessary treatment and stick with him.


Keep us updated, and you know where I am if you want to get in touch.

Take care.

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Being supportive and trying to get him treatment is helping him. What others are saying is that you can not save him. Do not feel as if you have to be the one to fix this problem, only your friend can do that for himself.


My brother had a drug problem. It went on and off for years. He would seem to conquer it, then he would fall back on it. It cost him much, including an engagement. And it hurt his family and all those that cared about him. We all wanted to do something to help him. And we did. We tried to talk to him, tried to reason. We tried to get him help. But he had to listen. He wasn't ready for that for years. In the end we finally had to literally find a rehab place, and drive him there ourselves. But even that wouldn't have worked unless he was ready to receive that help. If your friend isn't, do what you can but don't feel like it is your fault or that you somehow failed him.


Talk to him about it. Talk to other friends or his family. Do research and find a place in your area where he can get help. And most of all, be a friend and be supportive of him. Let him know that you care and that all you want is what's best for him.

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