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tattoos & body piercings

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hi. i'm just curious because i've seen a few famous singers such as britney spears and beyonce knowles (of group destiny's child) just to name a few have their belly pierced. i've always wanted my belly peirced, but not really sure if i can handle it. i've received my first tattoo last year on may 7, 2005 and my first tongue pierced just 6 years ago. i would like to have my tongue redone again, but i'm not sure if it'll be infected if i have it done in the exact same place. should i get it redone in the same spot? also, should i go along with getting my belly pierced? i saw how BIG the needle is for a chick getting her belly pierced. should i be brave and take it like a pro, or does it really hurt because of the big needle? when i first got my tongue pierced, it didn't hurt at all, but it stung whenever i ate and the fact that i talked funny by slurring my words whenever i spoke. what do you think i should do?

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Navel piercings can take a long time to heal. They can also be a little more prone to irritation & infection due to the waistband of your clothing rubbing against the piercing all the time. Do your research before you get your piercing.


Aftercare for the wound is relatively simple, but time consuming, and must be followed exactly to avoid infection. Even if you follow the aftercare instructions to the letter, you may still get an infection.


This site is a good resource. I did quite a bit of research here before I got my piercings:




Aftercare instructions for navel piercing:


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well, ive had my tongue pierced twice and i had it doen in the exact same spot, and nothing happened, i actually did it myself (kinda stupid i know) but nothing happeend, it didnt get infected at all, and if u get it done at a profesional place, im sure it will be fine. as for belly rings, i PERSONALLY dont like them, i just love my tummy TOO MUCH to have a hole going threw it, i dont find them at all attractive, but if u do, then i say go for it! whatever pleases u is most important.

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Navel piercings can take a long time to heal. They can also be a little more prone to irritation & infection due to the waistband of your clothing rubbing against the piercing all the time. Do your research before you get your piercing.


Aftercare for the wound is relatively simple, but time consuming, and must be followed exactly to avoid infection. Even if you follow the aftercare instructions to the letter, you may still get an infection.


This site is a good resource. I did quite a bit of research here before I got my piercings:




Aftercare instructions for navel piercing:


thanks for the websites! i'll be sure to look them up.

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My ears...which I had done a few days after I was born because that's how things were done where my mother came from...all female babies had it done a few days after birth.


For a number of reasons, as I approached my 40th birthday, I had my nipples pierced. It was not a fashion statement or thinking it was a cool thing to do. It was very much a rite of passage thing as I was going through a particularly difficult time in several areas of my life. Best I can describe it was a combination of "I am turning 40 this year and I will not have any children thereforeeee I will never use these for their intended purpose, I am a strong and powerful individual and can handle whatever comes my way, I am woman hear me roar..."


My husband went with me when I had them done. I have since had to give up one of them due to a very minor infection, so I only have one pierced nipple now. I think about getting the other one re-done every once in a while, but the circumstances that made it the right thing at that time have long since passed, and it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't have the same significance.


If you decided to have a body piercing, you really cannot be too hyper about the aftercare. Both of my piercings got the same aftercare, and while one was fine, the other was problematic enough that I eventually took it out and let it heal up without the piercing.

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I just recently got my belly button pierced and yeah, it does hurt a little. Not as much as you expect though. You don't have to suck it up and take it like a man (sorry about the cliche). I was so nervous going to get mine done and I almost backed out, but it was all cos I was afraid that it would hurt too much.


Just don't concentrate on the spot you're getting it done and it won't hurt much more than a beesting or something. Just be careful that it doesn't get infected. It can cause so many problems if it gets infected.


Your tongue on the other hand I have no idea about. I don't think it will cause problems if you get it done in the same place, but you might want to talk to the piercer about that.


good luck

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I just recently got my belly button pierced and yeah, it does hurt a little. Not as much as you expect though. You don't have to suck it up and take it like a man (sorry about the cliche). I was so nervous going to get mine done and I almost backed out, but it was all cos I was afraid that it would hurt too much.


Just don't concentrate on the spot you're getting it done and it won't hurt much more than a beesting or something. Just be careful that it doesn't get infected. It can cause so many problems if it gets infected.


Your tongue on the other hand I have no idea about. I don't think it will cause problems if you get it done in the same place, but you might want to talk to the piercer about that.


good luck

thanks hon!

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My ears...which I had done a few days after I was born because that's how things were done where my mother came from...
all female babies had it done a few days after birth


For a number of reasons, as I approached my 40th birthday, I had my nipples pierced. It was not a fashion statement or thinking it was a cool thing to do. It was very much a rite of passage thing as I was going through a particularly difficult time in several areas of my life. Best I can describe it was a combination of "I am turning 40 this year and I will not have any children thereforeeee I will never use these for their intended purpose, I am a strong and powerful individual and can handle whatever comes my way, I am woman hear me roar..."


My husband went with me when I had them done. I have since had to give up one of them due to a very minor infection, so I only have one pierced nipple now. I think about getting the other one re-done every once in a while, but the circumstances that made it the right thing at that time have long since passed, and it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't have the same significance.


If you decided to have a body piercing, you really cannot be too hyper about the aftercare. Both of my piercings got the same aftercare, and while one was fine, the other was problematic enough that I eventually took it out and let it heal up without the piercing.

sweetheart, not all chicks have their ear pierced shortly after birth. my younger sister had hers pierced sometime after she was 10.

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I just recently got my belly button pierced and yeah, it does hurt a little. Not as much as you expect though. You don't have to suck it up and take it like a man (sorry about the cliche). I was so nervous going to get mine done and I almost backed out, but it was all cos I was afraid that it would hurt too much.


Just don't concentrate on the spot you're getting it done and it won't hurt much more than a beesting or something. Just be careful that it doesn't get infected. It can cause so many problems if it gets infected.


Your tongue on the other hand I have no idea about. I don't think it will cause problems if you get it done in the same place, but you might want to talk to the piercer about that.


good luck

that's cool that you just recently got your belly button done. i've been wanting mine done for a while. i just had to ask people who had theirs done to see if it's worth it or not for me to get mine done.

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sweetheart, not all chicks have their ear pierced shortly after birth. my younger sister had hers pierced sometime after she was 10.


Where my mother is from (not the US) at the time I was born (1964), it was standard practice that female babies had their ears pierced shortly after birth.


I am well aware that is not now, nor was it ever, the standard in the US. I was the only girl in my class to have pierced ears until 5th or 6th grade. I hated them then, and can't even remember the last time I even owned a pair of earrings let alone wore them.

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i have 19 piercings and one tattoo. i'd say go ahead with the navel piercing if youre totally sure you want it, but be aware that there is a risk involved. i had to have mine pierced twice because the first time around my body rejected it and it sort of... grew out. the second time it worked though. it didnt hurt much at the time of the piercing, my tongue and other piercings were generally more painful, but especially for the first few days afterward it was quite sore, like i had been puched in the stomach. from my experience and friends who have theirs pierced, it hurts a lot more the skinnier you are, if you have less body fat there. also if you are skinner there is a higher chance of bruising and redness for a few days. i'd advise you not to wear anything with a high waistband while its healing or for the first week or two at least, as i tried to wear a high-waisted skirt and the waistband rubbind against it was very painful. tops brushing against it didnt bother me much though. anyway i'd say go for it, navel piercings are really cute on almost anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had my belly button pierced for almost a year and I absolutely love it!! It's so cute and I was so happy with it and have been ever since. Mine has never been infected but you do have to take good care of it. It takes a while for it to heal but its all worth it. It doesn't even hurt I mean its just a little pinch and its over! I think that if you really want it you should go along with it because its not as bad as you think it will be!!

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