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I just feel like there is a nothingness. I feel like I will never get that girl I want. She's there. She's free. She's one year older than me (im 15). And I can never ever dream of ever having a girl in my life. Do you know why? Because I never ever have had one. I can't imagine it. I can imagine being on Mars though. I can imagine help orchastrate Iraqi resistance in Iraq and help rebel against the infidels and spread communism. I can imagine living on Hawaii. I can't imagine, though, ever ever ever ever ever x one trillion three hundred million point five, of ever having a girl in my life, to hug and kiss and go ice skating with. I mean, sure I've dreamed about such things. But, can such dreams become reality? Maybe tonight...when I'm dreaming.


1) Some people advise me to build a friendship with a girl before asking her out (i.e. months of friendly chatting etc..). The thing is, this girl is in her final year and will be going to university next. That leaves literally two terms ( about 5/ 6 months?) to get to know her and date her and whatever. If I'm supposed to take ages making a friendship first, time will be over by the time I know her.


2) It seems she has gone out with three people. (theres a site which some guy runs, which lists 'ties' between people (i.e. dates) in my school...pupils submit the ties and they get posted there on the site). However, I have NEVER seen her with any boy doing anything. And NEVER talking to any of the three boys listed, so I guess theyre faulty ties. And she seems like someone who doesnt have a boyfriend or hasnt really had one. But, it still might be a problem...?

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You are over reacting, the right girl is out there and FYI there is probably more than one Miss right, what is important is for you to socialize. Dont worry about if and when she comes, instead make friends and enjoy spending time getting to know them. Sometimes you realise that the one you are looking for was right in front of you. Good luck



Sometimes Retracing your steps is the way forward.

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U shouldnt think that way...that impacts on you...and most definitely impacts on the way you portray your self to the opposite sex.


Girls can sense when your not confident...](*,) and thats a * * * * *...they also have cooties but thats a dif story..lol

youre only 15 anyway bro.. you got a lot of life infront of ya.


Think of it differently...dont even try to see your self with a girl...like..doing all this romantic..stuff.. until you have one..instead, when your somewhere, lets say a party or a dance, hanging out with your friends find a girl...make sure shes not in a group of ppl..cuz it gets intimidating and hard to think of things to say that way...specially if you dont know her(them), look at what she is...judge if shes borred or what shes feeling, then set your self a goal: im gonna go over there, and talk to her, and shes gonna love it!! Then take things on from there...if you see shes interested (she will look at your eyes lots, giggle bout everything u say) then suggest a dance, or ask for a fone number..with a silly pick up line like...hey, umm by the way, i lost my number can i borrow yours...after that, youd wanna leave cuz she might think youre obsessed so say something like..i spose i'd better get back to my friends..smile..and say nice meeting you..And most important dont wreck your head on a failure...or on one perticular girl unless you both click...

Look through this forum, alot of good advice here

T8k care





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Thank you guys. We'll see how it all goes, I guess. It's just kinda hard since I rarely get invited to parties (like once a year at the rate im going now) and at school there are no girls in my year (only year above...) and people just dont talk to the year above girls.... ...because all the people around me (in my year) are going to the parties 'n * * * *....so they all get girls 'n stuff...

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