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Myspace Question...

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I've found it to be used mainly by teenagers and early to mid 20-somethings but all ages are on it. I have found it to be mostly those age groups from what I've seen, though.

It's for making friends and keeping in touch.

Unless you are a private person and do not want the entire world (as it's so popular) to know about you, then I'd look around first really carefully to make sure whether or not you want to be a part of it.

Personally, I don't like it, but that's just me.

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Despite what some think, MySpace is a great website to get exposure if you are a musician and/or if you have a band (there is a MySpaceMUSIC part of the site). I've landed a couple gigs as a result of MySpace, and have met a bunch of people, though many are not in my city.


I wouldn't recommend using it as a dating website. For one, you have no idea who is really behind the profile. What could be some attractive girl/guy in their 20s could easily be some 50 year old guy trying to prey on young people. Besides, most of the users on their who are on there for dating and relationship purposes are just out for attention.


The bottom line is know what you're getting yourself into. Your name and information is read all around the world. You are responsible for your actions. If someone ends up stalking you, don't go crying to people. Think about what you do before you do it. There are a lot of twisted people out there.


Somewhere I heard that MySpace is the 4th most popular website on the internet. And like xmrth said, it's mainly used by teens to people in their 20s, sometimes 30s. I used to use MySpace to connect with school buddies and find old friends, but I got bored with that fast, and now I use it primarily to promote my music.


Just my $.02.

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I like it...of course like xmrth said, I am a teenager. I use it for fun, but it DOES spread a lot of jealousy between people...ur top friens and what-not...and who is commenting your girlfriend. lol but its a good way to waste time, and you can keep in touch with people, or meet new ones and...everything else. well thats all i have to say.

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I like it...of course like xmrth said, I am a teenager. I use it for fun, but it DOES spread a lot of jealousy between people...ur top friens and what-not...and who is commenting your girlfriend. lol but its a good way to waste time, and you can keep in touch with people, or meet new ones and...everything else. well thats all i have to say.


This man speaks the truth.

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Myspace was originally a place for musicians to get their music out there and get shows and stuff. It turned into something way different though. From what I can tell, people are just looking to make friends and find "babes". It's hardly about the music anymore.


I know that a few of my friends band's are on there. They use it to promote their shows and stuff.


I think myspace is a good place if you want to get in touch with old friends, or keep in touch with friends that you can't see a lot. I do think a lot of people view myspace as a popularity contest. When it gets too carried away, like you have millions of friends and you don't know most of them and don't even talk to them on myspace, that's just weird..


If you are interested, give it a try.

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I agree with what i've read.

Myspace is good

It has its ups and downs, I have information about my band, on the site. but I don't have a music page. Ppl can put rude things on ur page..but the plus side to that, is u can check comments before u put them up. And as one person said, u really don't know who's on the other side of the curtain..U just gotta be cautious. But its up to user, weighing in the risks and pluses, if using Myspace is worth it

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