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fell on glass, deep cut to hand. help please

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yeh okays.

i was drunk last night and fell over outside somewhere, my hand landed on some glass and a piece stabbed right into me.

its almost to the bone style deep on the palm of my writing hand.


i have exams in 2 weeks and can hardly write right now.


does anyone know how long an injury like this is going to take to heal, and what can i do to help it heal?

ive currently just stuck some stick strips on it to stop it reopening as its about 2cm long.


thankyoo, please reply.

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I think you should go to the doctor and have them look at it and take care of it. You don't want to get an infection.


Next, get a note from your doctor telling your profs that you have a wound and need extra time to take the exam. Or some other kind of arrangement.


good luck

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thanx for the advice, but i didnt take it

and its okay now, healing nicely on its own.


only problem is its weak atm, i cant hold stuff as heavy as before, or balance properly.... like at work today.

waiter i am! 7 pepsi's on a tray, some little bastard swiped his drink off the tray, which shifts the weight around the tray and u gotta adjust ur fingers abit for it, i didnt realise he was swiping his drink off.... so the tray tipped and so did 3 of the drinks, all over his mate.


i just laughed and said "see what you get for impatience?"

aah it was very funny.

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