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Lump in back of neck

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Okay, I have discovered a small hardish lump in the back of my neck. I would have to say it sort of on the left side but if you drew a symmetrical (sp) line from the top of my head to the bottom of my neck, it would be on the left side. (Hopefully that makes since.) And it's right at my hairline. Two days ago I had a fever of 102.2. That was when I discovered my lump. But that was all, I guess my body was fighting off a germ, (Cold;Flu, ect I guess...) But, The next day My temperature went back to normal, (98.3) So obviously my body had succeeded in fighting off the germ. *shrugs*. But see, what's also weird is I've been getting small bumps. Like bug bites all over me. This is probably not related, (We think it's the tank top I last wore, it had blue dye and I've been known to be allergic to some dyes...) But anyways. I'm not sure what this lump could be. the lump isn't that big at all. It's not like I can pick it up and roll it around in my fingers or anything, I mean I suppose it's round. The area a little ways above it is quite tender. Which I know is a gland. Yesterday the lump was very sore if I touched it. But today it is not anywhere near as sore as it was. I hope it doesn't get bigger if I keep poking and prodding it.. because it's really hard not to. I'm just worried to death it's cancer or something very serious. I had a swollen lymph node down in my pelvic area once, except that one was quite big but it went away. I've had swollen lymph nodes before but I would just like to know what this may be.. Any suggestions? Thanks

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It may probably just be a swollen gland, muscle problem or something of that nature if it just suddenly popped up one day. Your neck in that area going from normal to a lump suddenly I doubt is cancer or an ill of that nature. Though, I'm not a doctor and none of us can diagnose over the internet, the best and safest route is to see a doctor as soon as possible.


It is hopefully something not severe, but it is always best to get it checked out by a professional, and then you know for sure what the root problem is.

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Medical issues you really SHOULD consult a doctor.


It sounds like swollen nodes/glands to me, as a result of the infection/virus you had (my sister has had one in her neck swollen and HUGE for three weeks now!) however you should go and get it cleared by a doctor. It may also be a cyst, which can easily be removed. Given the way it presented, it is not a tumour, however swollen glands CAN indicate more serious medical problems sometimes.


Better safe then sorry! Go get it checked out!

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Yeah.. I went to this other website, it was where Doctors answer your messages, and this one other person had the same thing I did. Same spot, same side, felt the same; and the doctor said there's alot of glands or a lymph node or something like that around there.

I don't know.. it's worrying me half to death! Safe to say, it hasn't grown any since It popped up. And he also included that cancer usually has other symptoms like bone aches, chronic fatigue, etc. And I've had none of that.

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Yeah.. I went to this other website, it was where Doctors answer your messages, and this one other person had the same thing I did. Same spot, same side, felt the same; and the doctor said there's alot of glands or a lymph node or something like that around there.

I don't know.. it's worrying me half to death! Safe to say, it hasn't grown any since It popped up. And he also included that cancer usually has other symptoms like bone aches, chronic fatigue, etc. And I've had none of that.

Well, no, that depends on the cancer. Cancer can develop anywhere in the body...what you are describing with bone aches/fatigue sounds like bone cancer, or leukemia or very advanced metstatized cancer....but cancers are basically just a cluster of rapidly dividing cells which can occur anywhere and symptoms are not standard. For some cancers they are only initially found when the lump is detected (ie breast cancer) or in others when there is swelling (ie testicular cancer).


But the way yours is presenting, is an indication you are probably fine. The job of your nodes is to fight infections, and that results in swelling. If it persists for a few more days, see your doctor.

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I'm basically worried out of my mind .. It's kind of hard to overlook..haha..

I keep poking it.. I guess I'm overly-paranoid it's going to get bigger.. (So far it hasn't.)


Try not to stress. My sister has had a lump on her neck on the one side for weeks as she fought an infection. It's hard and like just...HUGE...docs said it was fine though they even thought it was really big and even measured it! Just watch it, and go see your doctor if it still remains large as it may indicate a more serious infection.

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