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Would this be consider RAPE!!!!!!!!

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I'm back, it so it was true wut he was saying. He's gonna start counseling pretty gone, but dang should have seen the looks on the girl's face, the one who's one of his friend's sister. At first she kept denying all nervously then she just broke down and actully admitted, saying how horrible she is and that her brother helped her out, so it turns out both she and the other girl got helped from him, he's the one that did the tieing up, and the three of them dragging them to the bed. Oh, about the other one, well after that confession was made, they we able to locate her, but this one deny it till the end. Well all of them are charged, but he still hasn't told his g/f, I think now is the right time to tell her wut they did. It's a good thing one of them did confess, else he wouln't have been believed. I can't imagine how on earth is a girl capable of doing that horrible act and onyl being 16. And and yes, he went right to get tested, now I'm estimating the results should be like in around 1 or 2 weeks to arrive. Now should he tell his g/f?

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  • 2 weeks later...

He should tell his girlfriend that he has something important to tell her and that he is afraid to do so. Then he should tell her the truth, the whole truth...even about the fact that he really wanted to save his virginity for her. And if he is an honest person, and if she is an understanding person, things will be okay, they will work out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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