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Hello everyone,


So here is my dilemma.....my bf and I decided to take a break for a while to let tension between us go away. Yet we agreed we would still talk and maybe see each other once a week. Well, I havnt heard from him since monday When leaving him (after this decision was made we left with a hug and kiss and made the note that we would be together on new years. So why hasnt he called to ask about me or plans? Do I call him? I love him with all my heart and really want the relationship to work. I wrote before as to why we took this break....he is the kind of guy that doesnt know how to deal with issues or communicate. When something goes wrong he blows up and has to run away from his problems. But when things are good they are great. There is never a middle where things can just be ok or situations can be worked out. While it is not an excuse he has had a troubled past and I think he carries much hurt and anger because he keeps it bottled up inside. The hardest part of all this is that right before the fight that caused this we were being very affectionate with each other. Someone help!

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well if you call him and he doesn't return your calls and you know he's home go to his place and knock on the door but if he isn't home don't break in or anything but just keep coming back or go to his place of work or talk to one of his friends and how long is a long time 5 weeks? 5 months? if he hasn't called you in that long i'd say something is up

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I say that you call him and express yourself. I hate all of these games. Tell him how you feel and find out how he feels. If he is no longer interested, then go NC. But, before you do that make an effort to work things out. It seems that people either try too hard or not enough. Tell him how you feel and if he is a good guy, then he will love it. I love to hear nice things. This sounds like a do or die situation. Dont' sound pathetic, but express yourself and make it known that you want things to work and if not, then you are gone. I believe that good people appreciate honesty and bad people take advantage of it. I say what is on my mind and make myself vulnerable, but if I don't get a good repsonse then I bail. I say lay it on the line. If he does not respond well, then go NC.

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