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First Time


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Me and my boyfriend are thinking about having sex. This will be my first time sleeping with someone but his second. I'm a bit worried about what will happen. What i mean is...what should i do if the condom splits or something like that? I don't have much experience or knowledge in this area so any suggestions, hints or tips to what i can do would be greatly appriciated. Thanks

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Pills are in my opinion extra safe.


however keep in mind that, condoms don't break when used properly.



They could be faulty. Faulty products do happen...no company has been able to completely get rid of them. If they did industrial engineers would stop trying to achieve six sigma as close to perfection.

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Hi there!


The other poster is correct...condoms do not break unless they are used properly. But before you become sexually active I would get an exam by a OBG/GYN and talk about your options when it comes to birth control. Even if you are on birth control...it's still very important to be safe. Your boyfriend may want to get tested too. Never hurts to be safe. Take care.

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They could be faulty. Faulty products do happen...no company has been able to completely get rid of them. If they did industrial engineers would stop trying to achieve six sigma as close to perfection.


They get tested in factories before packaging. Faulty products by the machines, simply get tossed. I have never had a condom break, and I never heard of any of my friends have that problem. A lot of people forget to squeeze the air out of the tip.



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Hi there!


The other poster is correct...condoms do not break unless they are used properly. But before you become sexually active I would get an exam by a OBG/GYN and talk about your options when it comes to birth control. Even if you are on birth control...it's still very important to be safe. Your boyfriend may want to get tested too. Never hurts to be safe. Take care.

So I am wrong in thinking faulty products come off the production lines? Woo...wait...so you mean my industrial engineering professors were wrong?! Trust me there are faulty products and condoms will break if they are faulty. Absolutely no production line is perfect that there are no defects. I think I would love to know what that company did if that were the case. Heck six sigma is hard to achieve as it is (less than 3.4 defects per million).


Don't you mean improperly?

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What?? I never said anything about industrial engineering or that your professors are wrong??? I am just saying if a condom is used properly, used before the expiration date, and such...then there should not be a problem. But nothing in life is full proof..there always room for error...that's why I suggested she go to a doc first and consider other measures too. My past partners have used condoms plenty of times and we have never had a problem.

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They get tested in factories before packaging. Faulty products by the machines, simply get tossed. I have never had a condom break, and I never heard of any of my friends have that problem. A lot of people forget to squeeze the air out of the tip.



Still could slip through. There is always a chance of a faulty condom....no matter how small. That small chance could happen to you. You never know.

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Okay, everyone is getting off track here, so just a nice reminder to stay on topic. But yes, faulty condoms DO happen, even if there are tests. As with any other product, there is a strive for perfection, but sometimes lemons still occur. Just because you or your friends have never had one break or had a pregnancy (it is possible that there was a faulty one with a leak, but that it was not optimum time for pregnancy to occur as well), does not take away from the reality that there are faulty ones. That is like saying "well I eat raw chicken and have never had salmonella, so no one else has either". It's faulty logic.


I know people too whom take their chances and have not gotten pregnant, and it turned out later it was because one of them was infertile. So again, can't really say that "oh well, they never got pregnant, so I won't either". Even those whom make condoms will disclose that there is a "perfect use failure rate" of 5% or so.


I can say I know several people whom are the results of faulty condoms..that WERE used properly.


As to the original poster, I would recommend you educate yourself as much as possible. Consult with your doctor, or a local teen clinic to discuss birth control options, and research the different methods best for you. Condoms for example have an effective rate of 80-90%, while the pill is 95-99%...used together the chances of pregnancy become more minimal.


I would ask your boyfriend to get tested for STI's, but you should also be going to doctor regularly once you are sexually active as well for tests, as there are some STI's that are not detectable in men. You also need regular pap smears.


Discuss together what you would do if a pregnancy DID occur, make sure you agree on the options best for you both.


Basically, just educate yourself. Decide if this is the right thing for you. Decide if you trust your partner enough to proceed, and to be there if things did go wrong. Search your heart to decide if you are ready for the emotional implications that also go along with sex. It can change your relationship, and so it is very important that trust, respect, love are there.

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