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Thinking of contacting her, but what do i say?


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I've just finished high school just over a month ago. All the way through high school there was a girl that i liked on and off, not really enough to do anything about it, because i was chasing other girls at the time.

She left school a few months before it ended to go on a course.

Throughout the year (when she was at school) we were on friendly terms. We werent exactly good friends, but we talked occasionally, and hung out at school in the same group of friends. She sat in my lap once when there werent any seating spaces left. I got the feeling after a while that she might like me because she looked at me often and laughed a lot at my jokes. I didn't tell her that i liked her because i knew she had a boyfriend the whole time. I have never even hinted to her that i might like her so she probably still has no idea.

At one point in the year, while sitting at a table during lunchbreak, i was talking to a friend via text, and she asked who i was talking to. I told her who it was (i know for sure she wasn't attracted to this guy in any way whatsoever) She started telling me to send dodgy joke messages to him about me, him and her going to her house and doing THINGS. My friend then asked her for her number through me by text. (he wasnt being serious, we were doing this beacuse we were really bored) To my surprise she gave me her cellphone number and told me to send it to him. She then said that she won't reply to his messages anyway. I got the impression that she wanted ME to have her number.

I saved the number but never called or texted her. A few weeks after she left school the prom was on. She was there with her boyfriend. We had a quick chat about how her life was going, and then she insisted on getting a photo with me.

I havent talked to her or seen her since (like 3 months). I know that she broke up with her boyfriend because he left the country to live somewhere else.

On christmas day i was texting everyone i knew "Merry Christmas", including her. She responded with "who is this?" (she didn't have my number). I said who i was and she replied "Oh haha cool. Merry christmas to u too". I reckon this was a positive answer and she was happy to hear from me, although its hard to tell from just that.

Ive been thinking of texting her again seeing if she wants to hang out, catch up, and if she's single, go out. But i don't know how to do this without it seeming a bit weird (I mean, i havent talked to her for a long time). What could i say? Was she attracted to me or was she just being friendly?

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She sounds like she's super sweet and you sound the same. Usually when you look back on high school you kinda laugh at it like, "Oh gosh I can't believe I ever liked him" and you can joke about it with people you never thought you could in high school, you know? The point is, if you do tell her how you feel, she isn't gonna hurt you. In fact, you'll feel really good afterwards. Definitely call, definitely ask her what's up with her and ask her out to lunch or something because you want to catch up with her. Then tell her how you feel. You'll never know what could have happened if you don't.


Don't seem desperate or come on too strong. You'll be fine.

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