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Hello everyone. I need some advice......I have been dating this guy for one year as of dec 26. We started out having such a great relationship, traveling, hanging out with friends...the usual date stuff. Lately he has become very hurtful to me. He has this personality in which he just flips out. One minute things are fine but the second something upsets him he says he doesnt love me and immedietly jumps to breaking up. He says some things that are very hurtful and never apologizes. Not that this is an excuse....but he has a messed up past his parents went through a traumatic divorce (involved cheating) and his past 2 exs have cheated on him.


Christmas night we were supposed to hang out and well his friend decided that he was just going to come over. Well his friend came and his personality changed to having to do things other then spend time with me. All of a sudden a fight broke out and he goes to the I dont love yous my friends hate you and get out of my life. This is seconds after he gives me a present with a wonderful card followed by lots of cuddling and kissing. How can someone love you one second and want to break up with you the next.?


I waited till the next day to speak with him but he is difficult to communicate with as if he doesnt know how. We have decided to spend a lot less time together through the next month to see if a break can help the relationship. Meaning we can talk but we will only see each other maybe once a week ( this is going from practically living together). Maybe the relationship moved to fast....do you believe breaks work? How do you get someone to talk and communicate with you who is used to running away from problems?

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I've been through what you're going through and quite honestly, I got fed up with his behavior. We did take a break for about 6 months and it gave me a chance to open my eyes and see that I didn't deserve to be treated like that. That there was better for me. And you probably deserve much better. If he is not going to communicate clearly to you, take a break for sure because they do work.


Good luck. PM me anytime.

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