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One of the girls I'm interested in, and as far as I can tell is interested in me, is just so freaking busy that she doesn't have time to really start a relationship.


I asked her to see a movie, and she wanted to go, and suggested some alternate days, but stuff kept coming up.


It can feel like she's trying to let me down gently, but I don't think thats the case. She mentioned one of her upcoming gigs, and so I'm going to go, just really to show support. Maybe she'll have time to hang out, otherwise thats okay too. I'm really just going because she's a cool person.


Anyway so right now, I just have to "bide my time." I really feel like getting back into dating is so what I need. I'm cool being by myself, but I wanna get back into the swing of things.


I've started looking at online personals, but I wonder how successful one can be with online dating. It's so easy to throw out a wide net, and I get the feeling that many of the girls on there get a lot of responses.


I'm having a "rebachelor" party of sorts in a few weeks, and a friend's wife offered to bring some of her single girl friends. I think thats pretty cool, but I have no idea how to handle that situation.


So basically I'm back to starting from scratch. It's not a bad thing, I guess, just sucks that right now I'm in that super uncertain period. Sometimes I feel like I might not meet anyone new, or I might miss my chances, or just worry about things to the point where I totally get depressed.

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What is this one girl so busy with? For the most part if someone has any romantic interest in you then they will make time for you. If they are consistantly unavailable then that is a huge sign. Besides, do you even want a relationship with someone who isn't going to be there for you? That's something you are going to need to consider.


Online dating can work. Both of my brothers are doing this now and are meeting a lot of women. Most of them they haven't been compatable with but have at least made some friends if the dating part didn't work out for them. My younger brother has a hard time keeping women because of the way he is, but he has been scoring a lot... so I guess you can find all kinds of successes and failures with Online Dating.


The rebachelor party sounds cool! Have fun!

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One of the girls I'm interested in, and as far as I can tell is interested in me, is just so freaking busy that she doesn't have time to really start a relationship.


I asked her to see a movie, and she wanted to go, and suggested some alternate days, but stuff kept coming up. It can feel like she's trying to let me down gently, but I don't think thats the case.

She's not interested. She is letting you down nicely. If she was interested, she would make time for you.


She mentioned one of her upcoming gigs, and so I'm going to go, just really to show support.

Nah, she doesn't need support, so you are going for other reasons - namely to see her and try to make her like you more. But if you go it will just give her another reason to see you as clingy and needy. I would not go if that was the only reason. In fact, the only reason I would go if I were you would be if you had an alternate female date to go with!


I'm having a "rebachelor" party of sorts in a few weeks, and a friend's wife offered to bring some of her single girl friends. I think thats pretty cool, but I have no idea how to handle that situation.

Make them compete for your time - literally. Have a contest and the winner gets to go on a date with you. Have fun with it!

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