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What's going on here? Anyone know?

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Hey, all.

I have moved, now, and I'm finally ready for a new relationship.

And just like fate, last Friday at a party I met the greatest guy I could ever meet.

Three years younger though amazingly mature, kind, intelligent and handsome.

After we had talked for al most an hour, he offered to drive me home.

Since we both didn't feel like going home, though, we stopped at a cafe and continued talking. We talked about some rather personal things and got very close.

When he dropped me off at my place, we suddenly kissed for quite a long time, and after realizing we both had never done this before at first meet, we kissed again.

We had exchanged e-mail addresses before and the next evening, I received an e-mail from him telling me how much he had enjoyed the last night, that he had not really been planning on kissing me, but that there had been something about me that just took him over. He also asked for my phone number.

I felt very flattered and happy and answered him the next day.

He indeed called me the following afternoon and we agreed to meet again in the evening of the very same date to watch a movie at his place.

Again, once we had started, we couldn't stop kissing. Everything went very fast. Though we agreed to wait with sex, we got very close to actually forgetting about it.

Needless to say, I don't remember much of the movie, and luckily he had seen it before.

When he drove me home, it was hard for me to even get out of the car. He said he would call me the very next day in the afternoon and hoped that I would be there.

He however didn't call all day. In the evening, I decided to write him an e-mail saying that I had forgotten to return the gloves I had borrowed from his mother (which was the case) and that I had very much enjoyed the previous evening. Nothing more, nothing less.

I haven't received an answer to this e-mail, yet, either.

He's having a few days off work, at the moment, and I was looking forward to going out with him before Christmas.

I feel like I'm really desperate for him to call or write.

I'm also afraid of loosing him already. Do I even have a reason for this?

I know I must be overreacting. How can I stop being so restless?


I really need some help.

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Get your butt out of the house and go do something else. Whatever. It would be great if it were with another guy, but just get out there and do something. You get restless, and enxt thing you know you have called him ten times, look clingier than velcro and the only thing you see of him is his butt and flailing elbows, as he runs away form you. Get out and leave him alone.


now, if you don't hear from him until next week, then think about more contact comoing from you. But then it would be a message of you stupid horse's behind, you had something that could be pretty and threw it away.

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The ball is in his court and even though you two seem to have a bond, there is nothing else keeping you worrying about if he is going to call. I dont think that you need to contact him anymore. You have to keep in mind that this could be a situation where the two of you just got caught up in the moment and that was it.

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Hi. How are you?


This is the holiday season. It can be a very busy time of year for people. Perhaps things have come up and has kept him occupied. Don't worry about him not calling yet, there could be lots of explaniations for it.


You are feeling restless because the two of you share a very strong attraction and after doing so much so soon, being forced to take a step back is frustrating since you are roaring to go. Also, this being the first relationship in awhile, maybe all the pent up energy is trying to get out and making you want to be with him even more.


I'd say you shouldn't be worried right now. It hasn't been that long and while its frustrating to be apart, it shouldn't be something that you let get you down.


Merry Christmas!

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Thank you, shysoul! You were right when you said not to worry, since he did call and we have been on another date, so far. I think he still really likes me, though in his presense, I have the tendency to get shy and akward. Last time we met, it got hard for me to form entire sentences (as opposed to our first date, when we had those very deep conversations), I was stuttering, and coming up with unnecessary conversational topics whenever there was a silence. I think I've really made a fool out of myself.

I don't want to seem predictable or show my affection too much.

But then again, just the same, we couldn't stop kissing when I *tried* to get out of his car.

I think I really want to be this mysterious woman he might have imagined me as when we first met, but it isn't working.

He said he would come to a Christmas party at my place, tomorrow, but hasn't called since Thursday (last time we met), though he had promised to. I know a good first impression accounts for much, but how quickly can it be destroyed?

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Hey friendly_fairy. It might be too late once you get this, but if he doesn't call and want a confirmation he's coming, just call him. Say you were veryifing that he was coming, cause you were planning the party and needed to know. In the future, just call to say hello and check on plans you might have made. You don't have to be a mysterious women, you just have to be you.


Otherwise, relax and have fun. Hope things go well.

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Shysoul, thanks for all the support, but I'm afraid the situation is hopeless.

I have not received a single e-mail or phonecall for almost a week. Not to mention he didn't come to the party.

After all the positive responses, all the things we seemingly had in common, I'm afraid he wanted me to play hard to get and I probably made the mistake of spilling too much of my private life at once.

I however find what he is doing unacceptable. If he doesn't want to come to a party I invited him to, he could at least call to tell me 'no thanks'.

I was intrigued with his seemingly beautiful personality, and what I perceived as intelligence and honesty.

He claimed he had always been careful not to hurt anyone, always thought everything over to make just the right decision. He made me believe his mind depended on moral and that he always wore his heart on his sleeve. I remember him telling me that he only wanted for me to be happy and he convinced me that he just couldn't let go of me, no matter what. I can still remember the way he would look at me and I'm asking myself what had happened to whatever this one-week relationship actually was. I'm sure that it certainly wasn't my fault. Something happened. But I have no idea what.

I think it has something to do with self-respect, but I can't call him.

All I can do now is move on.

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