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Which guy is better??? Help

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Hi Peoples


Please help me with my dilema. There is this amazing guy who I've been friends with for a couple years. He has been a good support for me when I broke up with my ex last year. I've always had a "thing" for him, but I was a little scared to tell him since his relationship with his gf was on the rocks. In the mean time, I met this new guy who I like and we've started dating and stuff. I started dating him because I thought that maybe my friend and I were getting a little too close and I thought I should back away and give him space. As it turns out, my old friend really likes me, and I thought he only saw me as a friend. Now I have this "new boyfriend" and I am stuck not knowing what to do. My new friend lives a hour and a half away, and we only see each other on weekend, although we talk each day. My new guy doesn't seem to want to meet my family, and I've invited him down to a couple things and he says he's too shy. I'm a little scared cause I don't know if maybe I'm missing something or not. We started getting more intimate, but I don't know if I should be careful. I know my old friend likes me a lot, but I didn't know at the time, and I don't know what to do. When I started seeing this new guy my friend got hurt and now he's not talking to me and I don't know what to do. My old friend and his ex have long since called it quits, but what should I do. I do not know if I got closer to my new boyfriend because I was scared of my friend telling me how he felt or what. I miss not being in contact with my old friend, but I don't know what to do. I think I like him more than I admitted to and look at me.

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I think you just wrote your own answer. I think you are more afraid of what you miss with the friend who likes you and who you like, than to miss what you have with the new guy.


I would chose for the old friend, if your feelings are still there. It's not fair to date someone else in a triple way: you don't like him the way you should in a relationship, you like someone else who you don't speak to, and you are not doing yourself justice with the whole thing.



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How long have you been going out with the new guy? Do you really know him or have you only seen his good side? How well do you know your old friend? I am guessing you know everything about him. Although, I feel bad for the new guy, I say that you have a long talk with your old friend. Tell him how you have always felt about him and find out exactly how he feels about you. If it looks like a good fit, then dump the new guy. I hate saying that because I have been dumped recently, but you have to go after true love! Keep us posted.



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