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Confused.. Want to win her back.. how can I

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Thanks Mun. I think that is a compliment. I have worked at learnig sutff like this.


Rev Limit, announced or unnounced, it would not change what I would do. I'd try to be her friend, and do the things for or toward her Mom that I already said. Give her Mom somethign small and insignificant that you think her Mom would like. And express regret for being as you once were in front of her Mom.


And my next thought would be to bring something that showed you as ver domestic. In my head, I don't think you could do much better than showing up at her house with your homemade Christmas cookies. Don't make cookies, learn. If you want her, you need to get Mom to want yuou as her son in law. Say something like you made a bunch and thought they might enjoy some.


Beec, you are just wayyy too smooth.


Good idea though



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thank you.. for the thoughts and tips.. wow tonight I found out she was talking to some other guy from a different location, I was going through her notebook and found a page saying she loves him and everything.. When I saw it my heart drop to the floor.. it really hurted..


Wow .. so much pain.. I asked her who is he.. she saided they arent nothing much.. and that she just talks to him online and she never saw him before.. its just meeting online.. thats when I thought about giving it all up because I mean.. if there is some other guy involve then I shouldnt even be trying anymore.. but as she said they arent nothing.. im just so confused again...


it seems I cannot cry anymore.. when i try to cry to let the pain out..the tears just wont come.. its harder to cry now.. maybe im on the steps of moving on already.. I accepted things already.. its just I still want her back so Im going after her.. slowly.. I still feel sad.. but not as much sadness as before.. I use to cry myself to sleep alot.. now I cant seem to do that anymore.. am I slowly letting go.. ??

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Slowly, but surely, you're getting better. I remember when I hit that stage of wanting to cry, but you just couldn't. What would usually end up happening is it would build up for awhile, then I would break down crying again... It's been a couple months and the last break down was at least two weeks ago, maybe more. I'm still pretty emotional... like certain songs, tv shows, movies, hell even some commercials will get me all teary eyed. I feel like a big girl, but, it feels good to get it out. Each time you cry yourself out, you feel a little better afterwards.

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"wow tonight I couldnt sleep at all.. woke up pretty often.. its really stressing me out.. well I guess Imma wait for this thursday to come along and show her a great time.. I feel like im playing a game.. and its one heck of a heartbreaking one.. somehow inside of me doesnt want to give up.. everyone around me is saying just give it up and try to move on.. but I really want to be with this person and I know there is hope inside.. somehow everyday it makes me more and more attached to her.. my love grows stronger and that is what I fear.. Im on a road that I have never traveled on.. I'll see what the future holds.. "


Just needed to get that out.. my thoughts..

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Is this a public notebook? or something private ? If it's private, stop reading it, it's kind of like eavesdropping--you get snippets of information, but not the full story.


Focus on where you are at and how she is responding to YOU.


If you must cry, then cry, but don't cry to her. She has to see you strong.


If it's getting to be too much for you then take a break

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Is this a public notebook? or something private ? If it's private, stop reading it, it's kind of like eavesdropping--you get snippets of information, but not the full story.

I see it more like a public notebook, for some reason writing my thoughts out and telling the world allows me to feel better.. some people exercise.. some write things down..ect..


Focus on where you are at and how she is responding to YOU.

Okay she feels happy to see me, there is some sexual tension between us.. Today I have decided to limit my visits and contact with her.. its just I think I feel like im giving in too much.. I plan to avoid using Messenger to avoid talking to her..


If you must cry, then cry, but don't cry to her. She has to see you strong.

I haven't cry to her.. I just express what I'm feeling, then I make it seem like a joke..and make her laugh about it.. strange.. but yes I'm giving her the space she wants.. I have been showing the strong side of me, Somehow I'm a victim of moodswings..its gonna take some time to get use to everything..but slowly im working my way..


If it's getting to be too much for you then take a break

Today I have decided to take a break from everything... get myself out and do things to get her off my mind, she walked out of my life for a reason, and I shouldn't stick around giving myself in to her.. Lately I havent seen the importance of myself.. I love her so much that I forgot to love myself.. so I decided to work on myself for a while.. I know shes not worth my time anymore..and so I decided to take a break for a while.. go back home for christmas... back to alaska.. then return in Jan. and see how things turn out to be..

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